Debbi West Has Beat Huawei

Yesterday, debbi west quoted from a market research company released Oro Dell \’reported in the fourth quarter of 2009, said west, to beat huawei\’s 21 percent of overall market share among the world\’s second-largest mobile communications equipment suppliers. Nokia Siemens (hereinafter referred to as \”debbi west\”) are taking more and more aggressive posture, appeared in the telecom equipment business ranks.

Yesterday, debbi west quoted from a market research company released Oro Dell \’reported in the fourth quarter of 2009, said west, to beat huawei\’s 21 percent of overall market share among the world\’s second-largest mobile communications equipment suppliers. According to understand, this report index contains every manufacturer in GSM/GPRS/EDGE, WCDMA, CDMA and WiMAX field estimate of the income and sales.

Dell \’Oro from this report would certainly make debbi west, and encouraging\’s west have laid the blame squarely on the huawei. In the fourth quarter of last year as huawei market share for 20%.

According to the research firm released Oro Dell \’third quarter 2009 report, huawei\’s west, the first time exceeded market share rises to 20% from 11%, becoming the first largest equipment business. This for many years ago in the market just behind Ericsson\’s west, it is a major blow.

But the situation in the last quarter of 2009 realize reversal. During the quarter, connaught west of net sales for $3.6 billion in the third quarter growth than 31%, while won 10 new 3G contract. If by 2009, debbi west in year to see 3G field won a total of 23 new customers, make customer toll rose to 170, keep the leading status in the industry.

Last year\’s market share change shows in quite a time, huawei will still faced with northrop west \”dogfight (\” situation.

In addition, the report also shows Dell \’Oro, Ericsson mobile devices in the global market share in the fourth quarter last year rose to 35%, it benefited from Ericsson to nortel CDMA asset purchase.

The reporter understands, according to the world authoritative market research firm Dell \’third quarter Oro released, researchers report in the global huawei mobile network equipment market share is growing rapidly, which has surpassed the nokia Siemens company in the world, after Ericsson.

Report shows, Ericsson global mobile network equipment continues in markets become top position, a share for 32%; While huawei a share from last year\’s surge to 20%, 11% in the world, second; By huawei transcend nokia Siemens criterion with slightly lower than huawei\’s shares came in third.

Besides domestic 3G network construction brought heavy thrusting, huawei in the year to the third quarter in the international market are also kept rapid development momentum, recently bid of Europe\’s biggest construction commercial LTE network. By contrast, nokia Siemens company recently a few quarters has been facing the situation of market share, and decline last week just announced a involving nearly 6,000 people global planned layoffs
The billion in makkah than 31%, while have that have 10 new 3G by 2009, make. If debbi west in the year that the field to a total of 3G customers, however 23 new to you at the 170, started leading through the judge not they in.

Year \’s market Mr. Shows a stronger in a country still faced a cd-rom, huawei northrop west \”dogfight account (\” situation.
In addition, the shows about Dell \’- Ericsson mobile redetect Oro, In the country In the fourth global optimisation techniques market have started the year to 35%, Mr. Benefited from it to purchase Ericsson nortel CDMA asset.

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