Detoxification: Getting the Most From Fasting

What is Detoxification? We all try our best to keep clean on the outside. But very few persons pay attention to internal hygiene. Fasting is one method of keeping your internal environment clean. It is a form of body cleansing and detoxification that’s gaining global acceptance.

But the practice is not entirely new. Indeed, for centuries ancient cultures had recognized and employed fasting as an effective and inexpensive method of cleansing the internal organs and rejuvenating the body. Done properly, fasting gives your body some breather, enabling it to flush out built-up toxins and other impurities that accumulate overtime from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the beverages we consume, as well as the contamination that is in the environment.

But despite the numerous health benefits that fasting offers, it is advisable to first confirm your health status with your doctor if you’re embarking on it for the first time. This is because there are many fasting programs to choose from. And they all have their merits and demerits, depending on your goal and health condition.

Peter Bennett, N.D., Medical Director of Helios Clinic in Victoria, B.C., while affirming that the human body has its own incredible natural healing system, also acknowledges that detoxification greatly enhances this self-healing mechanism. He believes that once the internal organs have become reasonably compromised as a result of toxins, it often takes the body some time to clean up. A detox program that includes fasting will hasten that cleansing process.

Our modern diet is loaded with substances that clog the colon. This results in the accumulation of toxins in the colon which are gradually transferred to fat deposits in the body. Every body detox program should therefore start with cleansing the colon. Bennett’s detoxification program for example, involves fasting on liquids for some days, say 2-3 days. This should be followed by a carefully chosen 5-day detox diet. This approach will give the digestive system ample time to rest and clean itself up.

Other experts recommend fasting on fruit juice, vegetable juice, and water for three to seven days as an alternative way to clear the body of toxins. This method works much the same way as the one earlier discussed. Another method preferred by most persons involves drinking ONLY WATER for a whole day once each week.

But to get the best results from fasting, these steps should be closely followed by a carefully chosen post-fasting diet. As part of your detox program, eat lots of fiber, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and brown rice. Cabbage, beets, broccoli, and seaweeds are all excellent detoxification diets you can feast on.

And to ensure your liver is effectively cleansed too, take lots of green tea, dandelion roots and similar herbs. Vitamin C is known to help in the production of a compound called glutathione, which helps the liver to expel toxins. So a daily dose of vitamin C should form part of your detox diet following fasting. And don’t forget water and oxygen! 6-8 glasses of water per day should be your minimum, while you deliberately take in deep breaths to enable oxygen to circulate more completely throughout your body.

Finally, do not underestimate the negative impact that stress can have on your health-especially in the build up of toxins. To this end, discipline yourself to focus mainly on positive thoughts as a way of putting stress and anxiety away. Fasting in this manner is the best way to heal and detoxify your body.

Diet is a very important factor for the survival of a People. Good health is based upon the organic elements that give and sustain life. Daily Nutritional Cleansing is the key to your good health. Many people take the human body and its functions lightly. They do not consider what they consume as having a direct and permanent effect on the quality of their overall health. Remember you are what you eat.

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Author Bio: A good diet is based upon the organic elements that give and sustain life. Daily Nutritional Cleansing is the key to your good health. Many people take the human body and its functions lightly. They do not consider what they consume as having a direct and permanent effect on the quality of their overall health. Remember you are what you eat. Sandra Essex is a 16 -year Breast and Lung cancer survivor. She enjoys sharing information that can help people improve their health. One GREAT way to improve Your health is to improve your diet. Learn how you can START to Improve Your Health TODAY!!

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: detox program,detoxification ,fasting,weight loss isagenix natural healing,nutritional cleansing

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