Don Pepin Cigar Line & History
Don Pepin Cigars began production in 2001 in Miami, Florida. However, the story of Don Pepin Cigars dates back forty years to a small factory in Cuba. For over forty years, Don Pepin worked in a cigar plant in Baez.
Working at an export cigar company is where he honed his talent. He became one of the finest master cigar rollers, blending cigars for other well-known brands as well as his own.
Don Pepin now is the CEO, Master Blender, and President of what has come to be known as Don Pepin Cigars. Don Pepin strives to make cigars that taste as though they are Cuban, without using tobacco from Cuba. He does this by using tobacco grown in Nicaragua.
This allows him to make medium cigars that have a fuller type of body to them. Don Pepin cigars are famous for their flavor and the three fold cap found on all vitolas. He creates the Garcia Cigars at the Pepin factory. There are three types of this cigar, and all of them use Nicaraguan tobacco blends.
The first of his line is a cigar that is more for the seasoned aficionado as it is a very full bodied cigar that packs a heavy punch. Nicaraguan tobacco leaf is used in these cigars.
The next isn’t as full bodied as first, but still might not be for those who enjoy a milder cigar. It uses a Nicaraguan tobacco as the binder and filler, and a wrapper that is Corojo Oscuro.
The latest addition to the Garcia line is the Black. Manufactured in the Esteli region, these cigars are packaged in cedar boxes of twenty. They sport a wonderful wrapper and have Nicaraguan tobacco binders as well as Nicaraguan fillers. These are medium, full bodied cigars that are of quality that can be tasted throughout the cigar.
The date of manufacture is stamped on each box of cigars. This is another testament to the quality assurance that he demands of his products.
Don Pepin creates his own cigars at his factory in Miami, but has also created brands for a variety of other manufacturers as well, including Tatuaje. Whether manufactured under his own name, or for someone else, he continues to impress cigar aficionados everywhere.
Don Pepin continues to amaze with his ability to create a quality cigar at affordable prices. In 2007, because of his reputation as a master cigar roller and designer, he was hired by Ashton Distributors to create and manufacture a completely new brand, San Cristobal.
Eventually Don Pepin outgrew the factory in Miami and added another in Esteli, Nicaragua. That factory is the Tabacalera Cubana. Both his daughter and his son have followed in his footsteps and are involved in the cigar business. Now that they are also located in Nicaragua, and they have also begun growing their own tobacco in order to keep up with the growing demand from the cigar business.
Don Pepin Cigars is a company that uses premium tobaccos in the wraps, binders, and fillers, and the end result is a great cigar to be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates quality.
Author Bio: Want to try a Tatiana Classic Flavored Cigar for yourself, as well as other brands of cigars like camacho cigars visit our online cigar shop.
Category: Recreation
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