Fingerprint Gun Safes-Understanding Biometric Technology

A gun is an important tool that can be used for self defense, whether someone is breaking into your home or trying to rob you. However, guns can also be used for sports. Just like every tool, a gun can be used to intentionally harm others or due to ignorance, someone can be harmed accidentally. In order to prevent your gun from being stolen or from a child playing with it, it is recommended that you invest in a fingerprint gun safe. This is no ordinary gun safe as it requires your unique fingerprint to unlock it. This offers further protection from thieves and curious children. In addition to being far more secure than regular gun safes, a fingerprint gun safe is quicker to access in emergencies. You don’t have to worry about fumbling around for the key or entering a code. You simply press your finger down and you have access to your gun.

How do fingerprint gun safes work?

These safes function by a technology called biometrics. Biometrics identifies a person based on his/her physical or behavioral characteristics. Hand writing, hand geometry, voice prints, iris structure, and vein structure are all examples of biometric technology. Whereas other security methods, such as passwords and keys, use something you have that can be easily stolen, misplaced, or forgotten, biometrics use who you are to identify you. Besides being very difficult to be lost or forgotten, physical characteristics are very strenuous to impersonate.

Fingerprint gun safes follow a three step process: enrollment, storage, and comparison. Enrollment is the first step you must go through in order to set up your safe. It records basic information about you, such as your name or an identification number. Then, it captures the image of your specific trait (fingerprint) and stores it in the memory. Most fingerprint gun safes give you the option to store multiple fingerprints, if you want to give other people access to the safe.

Storage does not work by storing the complete image, contrary to popular belief. The system analyzes the characteristic and translates it into a code or graph. Some fingerprint gun safes also store this data onto a smart card that you can carry around with you. A smart card looks like a credit card, but it contains an embedded microprocessor inside. A credit card is different, because it uses a magnetic stripe technology that can be easily read, written, deleted, and changed.

The final step, comparison, is self explanatory. When you try to use the system, it compares the trait presented to the one it has stored. If it matches, you are accepted. If it doesn’t match, you are rejected.

Biometric systems use a sensor, computer, and software to accomplish the enrollment, storage, and comparison. The sensor detects the characteristic. The computer reads and stores the information. And the software analyzes the characteristic, translating it into a graph or code. The software also performs the comparisons.

How was biometric technology developed?

The source of this technology doesn’t have a single source. In fact, the history of biometrics dates back to a form of finger printing being used in China in the 14th century. Explorer Joao de Barros reported that Chinese merchants were stamping palm prints and foot prints on paper with ink, in order to individuate between one another.

In most parts of the world, up until the 1800s, identification relied immensely upon “photographic memory.” In the 1890s, Alphonse Bertillon, an anthropologist and police desk clerk in Paris, developed a technique of measuring multiple body measurements. Later this technique became known as Bertillonage. He developed this method in order to solve the problem of identifying criminals. Bertillonage was widely used by police authorities, until it was discovered that some people shared the same body measurements.

Later, Richard Edward Henry borrowed the Chinese methods to develop the method of using fingerprints for identification.

During the past three decades, biometric technology has advanced dramatically. Fingerprinting is no longer the sole method of identification. Irises, vein structures, voice, and much more can now be used for identification making the process more accurate. Biometric technology is currently used for legal areas, businesses, and even personal safes. This technology will only continue to advance in the future.

Fingerprint gun safes have adopted biometric technology for improved security and efficiency. Owning a fingerprint gun safe is highly recommended for all gun owners, because your gun can be retrieved much quicker in emergencies, and children and thieves are prevented from laying hands on your weapon.

Author Bio: If you want further information in relation to biometric gun safe reviews, stop by E. Stephens\’ blog this minute

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: fingerprint gun safe, biometric safe, biometric gun safe, gun safe reviews, gun safe,

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