General Information About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is any procedure on the teeth that is not necessarily required for standard oral health. Sometimes these procedures are needed to maintain comfort in daily living, or to make one feel more comfortable with their smile.

Root canals are one of the surgeries recommended only for those in daily pain. They are needed for people whose canals inside of their teeth have become infected. This can be because of poor brushing or gum care, but sometimes the cause is very hard to determine. When the canals in a persons tooth get infected, the infection spreads quickly to the rest of the tooth. This operation involves the inside of the tooth being removed and then filled. Sometimes people only get fillings, but the majority of the time dentists recommend getting a crown (a new, hard top) for the tooth as well.

After being in a fight or an accident, teeth can get knocked out. A way to fix the gap-toothed appearance is with dental bridges. They are false teeth that are secured between two other teeth. They cannot be taken out except by a dentist-they are not removable. They do not last forever, and will need to be replaced about every decade or so, but can make eating and talking more comfortable, as well as make one happier with their overall appearance.

Some people choose to get dental caps. After a lot of wear and tear, teeth can begin to break down. Getting a cap provides protection and helps keep a tooth from breaking down further. This is only an option if the basic tooth structure is still in decent condition-if the entire tooth is destroyed, a cap will not offer a great deal of benefits.

One thing that always comes to mind when this subject is mentioned is teeth whitening. It can be done to all teeth or to one individually to give someone a whiter smile. It will help diminish the appearance of coffee stains, red wine stains or other discolorations on teeth. Veneers are another option to get a brighter, whiter smile.

Dental implants are a very invasive process, but can provide incredible results. They are basically pieces of titanium that are attached to the jawbone to provide structure for false teeth. If one is only missing one or two teeth, this is not the best procedure, but they are a good option in lieu of dentures or other temporary solutions when all or most of the teeth are missing. They can also be used in combination with other procedures to get the most natural looking results.

Gum surgery is also available, because sometime the problems with the teeth are actually issues with the gums. The surgeries offer options to make teeth appear longer or shorter, depending on what the specific issue is.

Instead of getting braces and spending long hours at the orthodontists office, some people choose to undergo teeth contouring or reshaping. Dentists can add material to teeth or sculpt them down to create the appearance of a better smile. It is a less painful solution for those without serious oral issues.

There is a huge range of procedures in the cosmetic dentistry field designed to make patients incredibly happy with their smile. If something is not quite right in ones smile, these tooth doctors can help.

Author Bio: Put a smile on your face! Toronto dentists are among the worlds best. For a whiter and brighter smile ask your dentist North York about the benefits of orthodontics Toronto.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: dentist,health,hygiene, dental, teeth, tooth whitening, cosmetics, beauty, family, society, medical,

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