Getting Paid For Online Surveys – Scam or Legit?

Getting paid for online surveys is a simple, part-time way to make money from home online. Some survey companies also pay you to try new products, participate in online focus groups, watch movie trailers and more!

It’s a sign of the times that Companies are using the internet to do much of their market research now. It’s not long since it was done in the high street or in market research offices and so on. The great thing is, getting paid for online surveys is now accessible for most people. It’s a really flexible home business as you can do the surveys whenever it suits you.

As with all ways to make money, some less ethical companies may get involved. There are ways to minimize your chances of getting scammed. When I decided to earn some extra income doing online surveys I joined a company online which was like a go-between, that would put me in touch with hundreds of legitimate survey companies. I then had to register with each company I was interested in. This involved filling out a simple online form. It took about 10 minutes for each one. This was the most time consuming part. Personally I don’t like admin, but I know for many people this isn’t a problem.

The companies that decided I was suitable for them then sent me surveys to my email box. Some of them paid in money, others in vouchers. Some paid a very small amount, others quite a good rate. They told me the amount I would get up-front. You then choose which surveys to want to complete. I wasn’t interested in vouchers so only did the ones paying actual money! It’s under your control.

What about the surveys themselves? To be honest I though I would find it really boring, as I’m a creative person, but it really wasn’t. Each survey is different and it’s actually fun sharing your opinion in this way. It’s very simple, you just have to tick the box that best fits your answer in many cases, like multiple choice.

I think the key to getting paid for online surveys is to register with as many companies as possible so you get a good amount and choice of surveys being sent to you. That way you can choose to do the best paying ones rather than having little choice in the matter because you were only sent one or two.

Set aside a specific amount of time each day (one hour, three hours etc) and just do as many as you can in the time. If it becomes a daily habit you can make a good part-time income. Even if you are only getting $3 a survey for instance, if you do 10 a day, that will really add up over a whole month. And its SO part time. What if you get $10 or $20 a survey? How would your income then look after 30 days?

How much time do we waste watching tv, or simply surfing the web, or chatting online? Just an hour or two a day getting paid for online surveys could make all the difference to your bank balance…

Author Bio: For more details and recommended survey companies please visit my website:
Money for surveys where you will also find over 50 more ways to make money from home.

Category: Internet
Keywords: money for surveys, make money doing online surveys, getting paid for online surveys, online surveys

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