Going the Extra Mile

Pool maintenance is far from being easy. Anyone who puts up with it and turns out to be ok can be considered as a pool hero. If you are one, a pool hero that is, then kudos to you! You must be a responsible pool owner yourself huh? Well, as said before, a big congratulations to you. You are putting in the hard work that really comes with the whole package. But have you ever wondered if there were extra ways that will keep your above ground or in ground pool CLEANER AND BETTER? Yup, you read it right — CLEANER AND BETTER. Are there such ways? Do they even exist? The answer is yes. They do exist. These steps can be called as “going the extra mile” steps. Here they are:

– Clean your pool on a daily basis. Do not skip it. The small steps will hinder bigger problems in the future. The key is to not overlook a single leaf or any other dirt particle on or in your pool water. Pick it up and throw it away. And then you repeat it again and again. Pick it up and throw it away — EVERYDAY.

– Keep your filter running for 8 to 16 hours a day. It is ideal for you to run your filter 24 hours a day but DO NOT DO IT. Machines and equipments can also tire out. You need to give them some time to rest. Just imagine that they can also get tired like human beings do.

– Backwash your filter on a weekly basis to get the dirt out of the filter.

– Purchase a fish net to get those hard to reach debris that are most likely suspended on the pool floor.

– Check your water’s status on a daily basis.

– Stock up on pool chemicals. The hardest thing is to run out of pool chemicals at the time that you need them the most.

– Stock up on water test strips and test kits’ materials. It’s the same thing as stocking up on your pool chemicals.
You cannot run out of water test strips and kits.

– It is highly advisable for you to use water test strip and kits but it will be best to bring in a water sample to your pool dealer on a weekly basis. The professionals will give you extra tips on how to keep your water in the ultimate safe mode.

– If you are using water test strips to do your reading, opt to buy a digital water test strip reader to give you a more accurate reading.

– If you are purchasing a pool brush, make sure that you get one that is hard bristled. Hard bristled brushes are sure fire tools in getting off that grime of your pool’s walls, surfaces and flooring.

– Degrease your filter once every two weeks.

– Opt to cover your pool every day. As you sleep and rest, your pool should too. This will make daily pool maintenance steps easier. (Consider a retractable cover for your pool. )

Go the extra mile for your pool. These steps will guarantee a better swimming pool for you and your family all year round!

Author Bio: I write about Pool Prodigy Sanitizer for PoolProdigy.com.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: water test,water test strips,water test strip,pool chemicals,test strips,digital water test

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