High School Baseball Seasons

High baseball might be the lucky sport. Lucky sheerly based on the season that it\’s played in. The beginning of spring time is as much a part of baseball\’s allure as the crack of the bat. So much of that sport is wrapped in the rebirth of spring. The smell of newly cut green grass. Baseball hats to keep the emerging sun out of your eyes when playing. It\’s all right there and opening day is always a sign or signal that summer is on the way. This is especially true for prep baseball. All the students getting a little squirrelly with spring fever. The seniors are contemplating the end of high school while the freshmen carry a little more swagger having their first year under the belt. Let\’s take a look at the standard high school baseball season.

Baseball is the biggest spring sport at the high school level owing to the immense little league popularity for the young ones in most communities. The average high school baseball game usually starts regular season play around early march with some pre-season games to get ready for league play. The average season might have 25 games and run until about mid May which for some school districts, is getting pretty close to the end of the high school year. There are many different schedules out there from year round schools to more traditional high school years but with very different beginning/end dates. Most schools will end around the end of May or early June. The playoff\’s or post season will follow which takes us up till almost the end of the school year depending on how well your team does.

The average week for high school baseball action will typically have 2-3 games per week. Most games are played right after school at about 3-4 pm. This is partially due to being an outside sport and needing both light and warmer weather since it\’s still pretty chilly in most places around early to mid march. Depending on the league, there may be games on weekends and or weekdays. Spring break usually intersects high school baseball but games aren\’t played during that week. The duration of each game can vary significantly due to the game play of baseball.

There usually isn\’t as much cross-over between basketball ball (winter sport) and baseball which reduces a lot of the transition issues between those two sports. Football is probably a bigger crossover sport but the two are separated by a season so injuries should be all healed up by the time spring rolls around. Traditionally, there are other sports which occur in the spring and some that are up and coming. Track and field, Volleyball, Tennis, Golf, and La Crosse all share cross billing as a spring sport. High School La Crosse has really taken off so you can expect to see more competition for athletes there. The aquatic sports are also strong with swimming, diving, and water polo possible contenders.

Ultimately, the spring belongs to baseball and that seems to be a tradition in and of itself.

Author Bio: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of Prep Sports including high school sports such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.

Category: Sports
Keywords: high school baseball, prep baseball, high school sports, prep sports, baseball season

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