How Does Quercetin Help With Allergies?

Quercetin is a flavonoid that serves as a plant pigment which gives some leaves, flowers and fruits their bright colors. Among humans, the general health benefit of quercetin is that it serves as an effective and powerful antioxidant which is helpful in scavenging harmful elements inside the body. These harmful chemicals are known as free radicals. Free radicals must be eliminated because it can cause cellular damage and abnormal growth of cells and tissues.

Another promising health benefit of quercetin is that it has a potent antihistamine and anti – inflammatory effects. Antihistamines are chemicals that counteract the effects of histamine. The chemical histamine is naturally produced by the body during an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction, or simply known as an allergy, is a result of the stimulation of the immune system by an antigen or also known as allergen. These allergens may lead to the release of one type of immunoglobulin from plasma cells called IgE antibodies. Antibodies bind to mast cells which are found in almost all body tissues and are present abundantly in connective tissues near blood vessels.

These mast cells consists the chemical histamine within their cytoplasmic vesicles. The allergens will bind to the IgE antibodies connected to the walls of mast cells thus prompting the production of histamine from the vesicles. Once released, histamine can cause vasodilation or widening of the lumen of blood vessels especially the arteries. If released in the lungs, it can lead to bronchoconstriction or narrowing of the opening of the bronchi thus making breathing labored. Scientific studies have demonstrated that quercetin has the capacity to regulate the release of histamines by stabilizing mast cells. This is the reason why quercetin is widely used for the treatment of allergies and certain forms of inflammation.

Aside from its antihistamine and anti – inflammatory properties, quercetin can also help maintain bad cholesterol to normal levels. Bad cholesterol which is medically known as Low Density Lipoprotein or LDL can greatly contribute to heart diseases which can lead to life – threatening complications or even death.

The reliable natural sources of quercetin are fruits and vegetables, specifically apples, onions, citrus fruits and parsley. However, studies reveal that quercetin is most abundant in the skins of apples and red onions. Including these in your diet may also improve your diet. Other good sources of quercetin are grapes, cherries, blue berries and bilberries. Synthetically, quercetin is also available in supplements in the form of pills or capsules. Most quercetin supplements are combined with other herbal nutritional supplements such as Gingko biloba and bromelain. Water – soluble preparations of quercetin are also available which are called Hesperidins – methyl – chalcone or HMC and Quercetin – chalcone.

In general, quercetin is considered to be safe. Though side effects may rarely occur, but these are not life – threatening. Some of these unwanted effects are headache and gastric discomforts. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women and individuals with kidney diseases should not take this supplement to be completely safe.

Look for Quercetin at your local or internet vitamin store. Aways choose name brands like Solaray to ensure quality and purity of the Quercetin product you buy for better health.

Author Bio: If you need an immune boost give Quercetin a try risk free at VitaNet ®, LLC Vitamin Store.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Quercetin, Immune Boost, Fight Allergies Naturally, Improve Health and Wellness

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