How Lawsuit Funding or Lawsuit Loan Helps a Whistleblower Plaintiff?

Simply put, whistleblower lawsuit funding or lawsuit loan is a non-recourse cash advance provided against a pending whistleblower or Qui Tam settlement which does not need to be repaid if the relator plaintiff loses his/her lawsuit.

A whistleblower lawsuit funding or lawsuit loan can get you the cash money you need now while your whistleblower case goes through. Whistleblower litigation by nature can be lengthy and expensive but a lawsuit loan can level the playing field so that case is not lost simply because you do not have deeper financial resources.

Who is a Whistleblower?

A Whistleblower aka Relator is any person, or group of persons, who raise a concern about alleged wrongdoing occurring in a government or governmental entity or a private or public corporation or an organization or agency.

The term Whistleblower comes from the practice adopted by Bobbies, English policemen. In the old days, every British policeman carried a whistle with him, and he would blow on it whenever he saw a crime taking place.

What is a Whistleblower – Qui Tam Law?

It was first signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War to help government in ferreting out those who, in the words of President Lincoln – feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains of the South.

A whistleblower law known as the False Claims Act (sometimes referred to as the FCA or Informer Act or Qui Tam statute),permits whistleblowers to bring Qui Tam lawsuits – basically civil fraud lawsuits filed on behalf of the government – against companies and individuals that are defrauding or swindling the government.

President Ronald Reagan signed a bill amending the False Claims Act in 1986, reinvigorating the public-private partnership envisioned by the Act.

There are Two Types of Whistleblowers/Relators:

1. Internal Whistleblowers- Most whistleblowers are internal whistleblowers, who report misconduct on a fellow employee or superior within their company.

2. External Whistleblowers- External whistleblowers, however, report misconduct on outside persons or entities.

Who Can be a Whistleblower?

The more common types of relators are as follows:

Employees, Former employees, Competitors and Subcontractors, State and Local Governments, Federal Employees and Other types of qui tam relators have included public interest groups, corporations, private organizations and private citizens.

Every year hundreds of corrupt organizations cheat and swindle the federal government out of billions of taxpayers dollars. The most common types of fraud include; Medicare and Medicaid Fraud, Federal Health Programs, Pharmaceutical Fraud, Nursing Home Fraud, Defense Contractor Fraud, Contractor Fraud, Customs Fraud, Fraudulent Loans & Grants and IRS Tax Fraud.

Always Hire a Good Attorney:

If you report that your employer violated a law, you are providing a valuable service to the community. Employees alleging whistleblower retaliation against an employer should always retain qualified and experienced counsel as soon as possible, who can explain and help you protect your rights as a whistleblower.

How Lawsuit Funding or Lawsuit Loan Helps?

Whistleblower litigation often takes years to resolve and the result cannot be predicted. If the government declines to intervene in the case and relater elects to proceed without the government, the relater may be held liable to pay the defendants costs and attorney fees if the lawsuit is unsuccessful.

At this crucial time a lawsuit funding or lawsuit loan can be a great help to assist you with getting rid of the financial problems you may be encountering due to litigation. As a whistleblower or Qui-Tam plaintiff you may be up against a big corporation or defendant with deep financial pockets and you could find your finances strained to the limit.

But a lawsuit loan or lawsuit funding can help you keep on track, keep your case moving forward, and keep creditors at bay. Litigation funding gives you cash now to handle bills or expenses while you wait for a fair resolution of your litigation. Lawsuit settlement loan or litigation funding will also help you to keep your credit score and avoid possible bankruptcy.

Pearl of Wisdom:

If you are a whistleblower or qui-tam plaintiff, it means you are a brave citizen. You did not stifle your conscience and went along with wrongdoing of your employer or defendant. But do not bow down now or quit due to any financial pressures.

The fight for justice against corruption is never easy. It exacts a toll on yourself, your families and especially your children. A lawsuit settlement loan or litigation funding from a strong reputed funding company provide you financial strength and muscle.

Role of Financially Strong Lawsuit Funding Company:

As a matter of fact, a lawsuit loan from a good financially strong lawsuit funding company levels the playing field. Defendants may have huge resources to mount their defense, but now you have access to lawsuit settlement loan made available through the large institutional funds that back a strong litigation funding company

Author Bio: Paul Sherman, The Lawsuit Money Man, is a Legal Funding Consultant at Easy Lawsuit Funding. Do you think a whistleblower lawsuit funding is right for you? Would you like to learn more about lawsuit loan ? To apply online for lawsuit funding and learn more about the advantages of lawsuit funding , please visit our website:

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