How to Clean Your Rabbit Hutch
Do you have rabbits at home? Do you have difficulties removing the foul smell inside their hutch? If yes, read on to know how to clean their hutch properly.
Rabbits are one of the favorite pets of children and adults because they are adorable, cute and neat. They are popular choices of pets because of their small size. They do not need big space and they are not hard to maintain.
Results of studies show that they have longer life span compared to other animals of their size. Some of them could live as long as 10 years if properly cared for by their pet owners. They are very independent animals, which do lots of things on their own, like cats. They are not fussy about foods because you can feed them on vegetables, grass hay and dried foods. They are also immune to different types of diseases and do not require many vaccinations like other types of animals or pets.
If you have rabbits at home, it is not wise to let them roam around inside the house because they tend to chew any materials that they come in contact with, thus, it is important to keep your home rabbit-proofed to protect your furniture and important things inside the house.
If you decided to keep them inside a hutch, be sure to clean them regularly to protect them from all types of diseases caused by dirty environment. If you fail to clean the hutch regularly, you can smell the foul and pungent urine and feces even several meters from your home and you are also putting the health of your rabbit at risk. If you do not know how, you can ask advice from your veterinarian, friends and colleagues who also owned some rabbits. You can also surf the Internet and find some tips on how to clean the hutch effectively.
Steps on how to clean your rabbit hutch:
1. Plot a schedule on how frequent you need to clean the hutch. You can do it two to four times weekly.
2. Before you start your task, remove the rabbit and keep it in another cage.
3. You can start your routine by cleaning the exterior of their hutch.
4. Brush off debris, dried leaves, twigs and fur trapped in the wire. You should also brush hutch exterior as well.
5. Remove the old bedding and wash the flooring using bleach or diluted vinegar and water to remove harmful ammonia caused by their urine. You can also pour hot water in them after you placed diluted ammonia and vinegar on the hutch. Wash it off and let it dry under the heat of the sun. Once it dried off, replace the bedding with shredded newspaper or dried hay.
6. If the hutch has a flooring that allows their feces to fall on the ground, be sure to clean it and remove accumulated feces to avoid accumulation of bacteria and parasites.
7. Clean their food bowl, water container, litter box, toys and other accessories thoroughly. Wash them using water and soap. Let it dry before returning it inside the hutch.
With all the tips and suggestions mentioned beforehand, you clean your hutch and you can keep them off from diseases as well.
Author Bio: David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.
Category: Pets
Keywords: rabbit cage,rabbit hutch,rabbit hutches,rabbits