How to Make SEO Simple

What is SEO or search engine optimization and how do you make SEO simple?

The objective of search engine optimization is to get your web page ranked high in the search engine results. You do this by using your targeted keywords throughout your page or article. You need to use the right keyword density, making sure that you don’t use those targeted keywords too many times that it makes your page or article difficult for your readers to understand. But, at the same time, you want to use those keywords throughout your page so that the search engines will know what your keywords are and will rank you highly for them.

The problem arises when you are attempting to write sales copy. Initially, it seems like writing good SEO and writing good sales copy are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Can you write good SEO for the search engines and still make it sound good so that it persuades your readers to buy your product? This is the dilemma. Can you do both at the same time?

Yes, you can. Here’s how:

– What I do is to decide on what keywords I will use on my page right away. I write them down on my document to remind me. Then, I write my page. As I write, I fit in the keywords where they apply and where they will sound good. I don’t worry too much about my first draft, I just write. Then, when I am done my page, I go through and re-read, inserting my keywords where they fit naturally.

– When I write a page or an article, I shoot for 400 to 500 words. That’s a nice size article for your readers to digest in one sitting and also to place several of your targeted keywords. However, don’t always shoot for the same amount of words on a page. Write what you need to write and don’t put extra words in there just to make the article 500 words. The quality of your page is much more important than the quantity of words.

– Your headings are excellent places for your keywords. The search engine spiders pay particular attention to headings, so if you have your targeted keywords in your headings, you will rank higher than if you did not. What I do is use headings to keep my pages well organized so it is easy for a reader to skim through and still understand what I am writing about. Using headings can also draw attention to key points on your page.

-One place where your keywords need to be is in the page’s title tag. This is very easy to do because you don’t need to make the keywords readable. They just need to be there exactly as you want them to be. The title tag is very important to the search engines and your readers probably won’t notice it because it is displayed in the title bar and not within the sales copy.

– Another place that you need to use SEO is in your site’s navigation. Use your broad keywords topics and then as sub topics, use your secondary keyword phrases. This is a great way to use your targeted keyword phrases and will help boost your search engine rankings because these topics and subtopics will provide the internal linking that you need to keep your site organized.

– When I have finished my page, I will leave it and do something else for a while. Then, when I come back to read it, I will have a clear mind and mistakes will become clearer. If you don’t like to proof your work, have someone else do it. I know for myself that sometimes when you check your own work, you miss things. Another pair of eyes is always good. Once the page is the way you want it, calculate your keyword density and fit in any keywords, where necessary.

– If you find that you need more keywords in your page, look for places where you can add them logically and where they will make sense and will flow with the rest of the paragraphs. What you can also do is use synonyms. Use the thesaurus on your computer and replace words with synonyms so that you don’t get too repetitive. If you need to add some additional sentences to make it work, do that.

-When you have determined that the keyword density is right, re-read it and make sure that it makes sense and things flow good. You want your copy to sound natural and you want it to persuade your reader to do whatever action you require. Just keep tweaking things until it sounds good.

Making SEO effective and simple is just a balance of good writing and having a good keyword strategy. You want to focus on writing good copy first and then look for the appropriate places for your keywords. A way to test to see what works best is to write two different versions of the same page and then evaluate based on your conversion rate.

Author Bio: Catherine is an internet marketer with over 5 years of experience. Her site gives \”how to\” information to people who want to start their own online business and need some \”how to\” help.

Category: Business

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