Introduction to Freckles and Freckles Removal

Freckles are tiny little tanned marks which can be found randomly on the skin. These tiny spots are adorable for some, but more people find them irritating and often these freckles affect their looks, particularly with those with fair skin. Freckles are generally more prominent for people with fair skin, while for darker skin people freckles are usually not obvious. Freckles occur because melanin, a dark pigment in the human skin increases and they appear as spots on the body skin, usually light brown or tan in color. Due to the differences between human skin complexions, freckles may appear yellowish or reddish.

Two general types of freckles can occur: simple freckles which are generally round and small in size and may appear for people from small age. Simple freckles are, most of the time, inherited. Sunburn freckles, however, are usually caused by excessive exposure to sunlight and appear much darker and they have irregular sizes. With long exposure to sunlight, the UV rays make the outer layer of skins thicker and it also promotes the build-up of melanin pigment from the pigment-producing cells called the the melanocytes. Freckles are harmless though, however with prolonged sunlight exposure, not only freckles become more apparent but it may potentially lead to skin cancer too.
There are two types of freckles:

Ephelides: Usually slightly lighter (light brown, slightly reddish) than other types of skin blemishes, it is common among people with red hair. It becomes more apparent during summer and fades during winter. Ephelides can also be inherited from parents to their kids.

Lentigines: Usually darker and does not fade during winters. The spots appear to be less prominent and not usually very obvious. Lentigines are usually not a genetic trait.

The presence of freckles is high associated with two factors: Skin type and heredity. As mentioned earlier, people with fairer skins tend to develop freckles more easily than people with darker skin. In addition, it is generally true that freckles become more obvious for fairer skin people after they are exposed to prolonged sunlight. People who are more susceptible to freckles usually have blond hair and light colored hair. Heredity, on the other hand, is another common cause of freckles. Freckles development is largely influenced by heredity factor and is genetically transmitted from parents to their kids very easily. Case studies have also proved that identical twins will exhibit the similar magnitude of freckles development on their skin. Compared to identical twins, fraternal twins exhibit highly different magnitude of freckles development.

Unpleasant for many, freckles can be eliminated with various methods. With the advancement of science and technology, there are many freckles removal methods available, including laser, chemical peel and cream. The former two methods are usually more expensive and can only be performed with a qualified physician, while the latter is easily available off-the-shelf or make from organic ingredients at home. The selection of these freckles removal methods vary depending on the severity of freckles, the cost associated with them, and the suitability of these methods. It is advisable for patients to consult with their dermatologist before adopting any of the mentioned methods to avoid undesirable results.

Author Bio: John L took a deep understanding on the cause of freckles and some freckles removal remedies available around. Visit his site at

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Freckles Removal, Freckle Removal, freckle cream, skin lightening cream

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