Is Money Your Friend

Is money your friend? Do you treat it well? Do you allow it to stay awhile with you, or are you trying to get rid of it as soon as it comes into your life?

How do you treat a friend

How do you treat a friend that you want in your everyday life? Do you notice their values and what they have brought to you in order to be closer? Have they given you the space and freedom to live your life by your own terms? How do you treat money? Do you have a love/hate relationship?

Your love/hate relationship with money may express itself by the way you get upset when you don’t have enough. You may feel angry that money leaves you very quickly and it doesn’t stay around long enough to grow. You may feel your needs and wants will never be fulfilled. You live in fear that you will never get to the point where you feel you have enough.

How does it show up

If money is your friend, how does it show up in your life? Do you have to work hard for your ‘friend’ to come see you and be with you? Or does it come without you asking? What things do you do to allow your friend to come to you? Is what you are thinking as valuable as what you’re getting?

Mindset and thinking

If we all had the same mindset and thinking, we all would be rich right now. Yet, we don’t, and we’re not all on the same journey to become rich. Some are satisfied with what they earn, and more offerings would not change much for them because it’s just not a priority.

Lost your identity

You may keep yourself in debt each month and pay for things using credit, only to have your money depleted before you receive your pay. This is a habit and a feeling you know and have grown up with. To break this habit may feel like you’re losing your identity.

When you change your behaviour or your response to the things that you are accustom to each week, each month you will then come face to face with the unknown.

Fear can set in because you don’t know what to expect. Fear is a feeling you know all too well from the past. Becoming aware and changing the pattern of how you are going to react, can be a little challenging because you will not be acting from a place of fear.

Break your cycle

Some steps you can take to break your cycle is to become aware of your patterns by simply observing yourself and your reactions. Find a support group or a peer who you can share your money issues with so you do not need to feel alone with this new change. Getting help with putting money aside, while having a goal of something you wish to acquire, will allow you to watch your goal reach you, and it will motivate you to continue.

Conclusion: When you question whether or not money is your friend, you will notice that you may have an intellectual, logical, or emotional response as a way to give the right answer. This may not necessarily be the true answer, but you will not know until you continually carry this friend with you at all times.

Author Bio: The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged, and the author\’s byline remains in place. Francis is the owner of if you want more information on money and abundance in your life you can find it at:

Category: Finances
Keywords: money, behavoir,family,debts,generous,dollars,controlling,exchange,hard work,

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