Is the Way You Are Making Money in Conflict With Your Integrity

Is the way you are making money in conflict with your integrity if yes do you know what to do about it?

Learning to listen to that small, yet firm voice, which helps you align to what is truly important, gives you the help to make the right decisions for you and your family.

The material things that you have accumulated through the years; are they really as important as you thought they were when you purchased them?
Do they bring you as much use as they did when you first bought them? Or are you holding on to them because of what you once paid for them?

Fear of losing

Is this the way you thought your life would turn out when you were a child, holding on to material things that may someday be important?

Are you compromising your values or morals to get what you want, such as abusing yourself, over-working or being under paid, because you are afraid that you have to do what ever it takes to stay in your job?

As a child you may have learned about things that really matters such as caring for others, and now that you have grown up and have attained a better financial position, your values that you had as a child are no longer important for you. You may feel that you work hard to get where you are at financially and so can others, so you do not need to care or give to others.

Becoming conscious of your spending choices

Look for ways to cut expenses by asking yourself if it is necessary to purchase the things you want. If you wait a couple of days and if the answer is still ‘yes’ for this, go right ahead and buy it. You may also want to ask yourself if it will help you change your spending choices.

When you think about your spending, you may notice a pattern. If you take the time to write it down, you may notice the unnecessary spending is usually fuelled by your emotions, like having a bad day at the office, uselessness or an argument with a family member. You may spend money to make you change your mind and feel good.

Getting the right person

If you are having difficulties after consulting with someone on your financial matter, then get another opinion until it is clear and it feels right within.

Not all financial councillors can explain easily what you need help with or are able to understand what you feel or are going through emotionally, so getting the right person will make a difference.

Afraid of losing out

You may have a value of honesty, only to find that you are so afraid of losing out on things in your work, that you are hurting others around you by the way you are conducting yourself. You may have a fear of being left out or not being recognized for your talents.

You may be overspending by buying things for yourself or the home and deceiving others about it, in fear that you will not be well received if you share what you did.

Living in the now

Spending money that you do not have with your future pay is not in your best interest.
You are living in the now so don’t spend until you earn it, otherwise you are just keeping yourself in debt.

Eyes maybe stimulated

You may be feeling similar to many people when it comes to money and your wishes to purchase something immediately. These things may bring you some comfort only to have you realize that there isn’t a lot of truth to this.

You may be stimulated or persuaded by all the advertisements, to purchase something new or keep up appearances without realizing that, that money could be put into a bank account with 12% interest and in no time, would provide a good nest egg to retire with.

Conclusion: If your values are different from how you are living, know that you can change this to reflect what your values are in your relationships and in business so that the way you are making money will not be in conflict with your integrity

Author Bio: The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged, and the author\’s byline remains in place. Francis is the owner of if you want more information on money in your life you can find at:

Category: Finances
Keywords: money, behavoir,family,debts,generous,dollars,controlling,exchange,hard work,

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