Low Level Vs. High Level of Calcium Hardness on Pools

Calcium is an important element present on pool water and is needed in order to help maintain good water quality as well as in order to prevent pool water problems. It plays a vital role in keeping the pool water safe for human use although when given the incorrect level, it can be dangerous not only to the bather but also to the pool and the facilities around the area. That is why constant checking of the level of calcium hardness as well as the testing of pool water is necessary to safeguard the condition of the water as well as to keep the water from going rancid.

The ideal level of calcium hardness on the pool water should strictly be around 150 to 250 ppm in order to avoid any reactions on the water from the chemical. Although going slightly lower and higher would be acceptable, too much adjustment on the level of calcium hardness can be crucial on the water quality

Normally, a slight adjustment on the level of this element won’t cause any alarm at all as mentioned above, however slight differences on the water quality can also be identified because of this change. Among the two differing changes on its level, low calcium hardness on any pool will result to corrosive water. Among all other water problems, corrosion seems to be the most destructive on the pool materials, facilities as well as on anything the water splashes into. However, this type of water problem is manageable and is quite easy to adjust than having a higher level of this element in the pool water. Chemicals such as calcium chloride are used on the pool water to reach the desired level for correct pool water chemistry. This is done by carefully and gradually adding the pre dissolved calcium chloride solution on the pool water to catch up to the required level.

Skin irritations are usually caused by high amounts of calcium substance which results to the increase of calcium hardness in the pool water. In addition to that, the scale formation seen on top of the pool surface can also cause burning sensation on the eyes of the bathers if not noticed. Cloudy pool water is also noted as a symptom of higher calcium level present on the pool especially when it reaches 400 ppm or exceeds this level. In order to prevent the continuous rising of the calcium hardness level on your pool, you need to discontinue the use of such products. There are also products in the market that can lower the level although this would yet add up to the cost of maintaining a pool which is why most pool owners and professionals prefer to change the water instead of amending the pool chemistry with another chemical usage.

The best option is to maintain and practice to keep the calcium hardness level at the required ppm and should not lower or exceed that mark. Although balancing the elements in your pool water is somehow difficult, your health as well as the pool itself will benefit out of this action.

Author Bio: I write about pool products including the Pool Prodigy System and the Prodigy Pool Sanitizer called \”RK-12\”.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: pool water,calcium hardness,water quality,hardness level,pool water safe,cloudy pool water

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