Making Way For Love: How To Incorporate Your Partner Into Your House

The “I dos” have been said. The wedding bells rang and the gorgeous bottle of wine had been drunk until it was dry. Chances are that you and your husband or wife are moving into your place – the place that you have lived for oh so many years while you were, yes, single. You do want to make some room for your hubby but you just don\’t know how to start.

You can get caught about living in an apartment or a house all alone for a long time. It\’s not that bad and there\’s no denying that you are somehow used to it. You just know where everything is and where everything goes. And now, suddenly, your bringing someone new to your own personal space. It can be hard, especially if you obsess over closet space and tv ownership. But you should be willing to just take that leap of faith for that better half that you love so much.

So how would you do it? How could you start to give in with the idea that you are now going to be sharing your space with another individual? Here are the answers. Here are the ultimate guidelines that will help you share your apartment or house with the love of your life.


Take a glimpse of the apple of your eye – and also your wedding ring. You are married now. Breath. Let it sink in. This is really happening. It\’s time to share your humble abode.


You did vow to love him/her for as long as you live -loving includes sharing. God wants you to share. You can start by sorting through your closet and getting things out that you don\’t need or wear anymore. You can either sell these things on eBay or give them to charity. Charity will make you feel good about yourself. You are now sharing and giving. Congratulations. Your well on your way to heaven.

Tip: It will be great if you can give him/her a closet of his/her own. You will be amazed at how happy you can make your partner by doing this. You can either give your darling an existing closet in your house or you can D.I.Y. your way into it.

In relation to the earlier statements, clear out any furniture or things that you no longer use so that your wife/husband can bring in his/her stuff into the space. Open up your mind and learn how to mix and match.


Here are a number of other ways to let your sweet heart feel welcome to your apartment/house.

– Share the remote.
– Share your medicine cabinet.
– Let him/her decide whether what drapes to use, the color should the wall be and the arrangement of furniture. Embrace the change. Let them take the driver\’s seat for a while.
– Photo-up. Post beautiful pictures of the two of you everywhere. Own your space completely.

Drop the selfishness and start sharing. It\’s part of being married anyway. After all, you did share your hearts to each other. How hard can it be?

Author Bio: I write for Pool Prodigy about aqua rite chlorine generator and pool salt chlorinator as well as other pool supplies.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: aqua rite chlorine generator, pool salt chlorinator, pool supplies

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