Moving to Italy: How to Blend in Well With the Country\’s Culture

Great weather, wine, and fine people-these are just some of the many reasons why moving to Italy sounds like a good plan. Let’s not forget too that there could be better study and work opportunities waiting for you out there.

However, Italy is still a whole new country, which means it has its own culture, tradition, and belief. If you don’t prepare yourself well to the changes, you may suffer from culture shock and develop homesickness, anxiety, or even depression.

One of the best ways to blend yourself with the rest of the Italians is to know more about its culture. Here’s a glimpse:

– The Italians value their families so much. You may even find homes where grandparents and siblings with their respective families live together. And since they love to eat, they often have large tables to accommodate as many people as possible.
– They believe in first impressions last. So if you want to be respected and appeal to the Italians, make yourself look good. You don’t have to wear the finest apparel or jewelry, but at the very least, make sure you appear presentable and decent. It also boosts your chances of getting a good job in the country.
– The Italians are very warm and social people. Don’t be surprised if they greet you with a very big smile and a “salve” or “buon giorno.” They are open to handshakes, but if you are already close to them or they know a little more about you, they would greet you with an air-kiss on each of your cheek.
– They don’t really call you by your first name unless you give them permission to do so. It’s the same thing with them.
– Italians are predominantly Catholic, so it’s important you exercise propriety and decency when you talk about their religion. Nevertheless, if you belong to another denomination, you can still find a church to go to.
– Italians love wine, so you may want to bring one when you’re invited to a meal. The good news is since the country is populated with vineyards, you won’t have a hard time looking for a bottle.
– If you’re doing business in Italy, whether you are buying a house or opening your own store, it’s best if you have a middleperson. Italians choose the people they trust very well.

More Tips

1. Read as much as you can about the country and its people. There are plenty of guides you can now download online. Of course, there are books available. You can also join Italian expats forums. You can gain a lot of insight from those who are already living in the country. Moreover, even before you arrive there, you already have some friends. That would make the adjustment less strenuous and long for you.

2. Learn Italian. Italians know how to speak in English, but they prefer to communicate in their own language. It will give you a lot of advantage, as well as reduce tension, if you know Italian. You can enroll in a language school, download a program, or hire a tutor.

3. Be positive. Feed your mind with nothing but positive thoughts. You’ll worry less if you do that. Some of the subliminal messages or affirmations you can use are the following:

I am embracing this new culture.
I deserve to be here.
I am looking forward to this new adventure.

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