Negative Effects of Therapeutic Massage

A massage therapy session has many benefits and advantages given to the person receiving the massage. Some of these are relaxation, muscle tension release, reduction of stress; improve circulation, and recovery from anxiety and depression. However, most patients don’t realize and think about the bad effects they can also get after a massage session. It doesn’t even matter if you’re using a licensed massage therapist or a massage practitioner, as these effects can be present whenever caution is not practiced or maintained.

Before the massage therapist will begin with the various massage strokes, stretching or other activities during a massage therapy session, massage oils, creams or lotions are applied first on the different areas of the body. Of these three mediums used during a therapy, massage oils are the most popular and commonly used due to the extra benefits they give to the patients. Most of these oils are rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and many other supplemental benefits. However, some patients are prone to skin allergies because of some of these oils. Almond oil and other nut extracted massage oils are the most common culprits of these kinds of skin problems. For this reason, consulting with the doctor and discussing with the massage therapist regarding which massage oil is best for your skin condition is the best solution for this issue.

Patients with deep vein thrombosis or any blood clotting problems should first consult with their doctors before having their massage therapy to avoid any heart related problems. Any individual who happens to have circulatory problem should at least consider discussing with a medical expert regarding the possibilities of having or not having massage therapy on their regular medical care. It is better to be cautious than to aggravate the bad condition you already have.

There are many types of massage therapies that use harder applied pressure and force on the patient’s body which results to body pain afterwards. These are often results of the improper manipulation and miscalculated locations of the nerves and muscles of the body. Although these body pains are only temporary, discomfort is experienced by the patient during the whole length of the time the pain is present on the patient’s body.

Individuals who are prone to skin bruising and swelling should consider not having a massage therapy instead as it will only result to uncomfortable condition and unpleasant physical appearance for the patient. In case the patient has set his or her mind on having a therapeutic massage, the best thing to do is perhaps to tell the massage therapist of the skin condition in order to reduce the pressure to a milder and more tolerable level. Diabetics are a big no-no when it comes to massage therapy as their skin would easily break and will not recover after getting wounded. It is much for people with this type of disease to stick with their regular treatment which doesn’t include the applying of pressure on the skin of the patient. An important thing to know when searching for a good therapist is the fact that he or she honestly tells what is best for the patient.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about a specialized hot stone massage kit and hot stone massage in general.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: massage therapy session,massage therapist,massage oils

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