Nopalea and Headache Relief

Nopalea Juice, made from the prickly pear cactus, might be able to help relieve the symptoms of headaches. Many people claim they have found relief from headaches by drinking this juice.

The Prickly Pear Cactus is a non-natural anti-inflammatory, so it would make sense that drinking a juice that contains it would help with inflammation.

Inflammation is being tied to everything from arthritis to colon cancer to Alzheimer’s disease. Now inflammation is being strongly linked to headaches, particularly migraines and cluster headaches.

It is thought that cluster headaches, which are described as excruciatingly painful, stem from the veins behind the eye becoming inflamed. This inflammation occurs in an area or cavity just behind the eye sockets.

Cluster headaches can be debilitating and can last from several minutes to several days. Sometimes people who suffer from these types of headaches seek relief from prescription medicine that relieves inflammation.

But there is also a link that tension headaches stemming from neck pain are linked to inflammation. Now scientists are looking at whether fat cells are connected to headaches. The theory is that too much omega-6 fatty acids contribute to inflammation. Most Americans have too much of this fatty acid. By monitoring and reducing the amount of fat you eat, you can decrease this fatty acid that may contribute to inflammation and therefore headaches.

This is one reason obese people might have worse headaches. It is thought that losing weight and reducing the amount of dietary fat you ingest might both help with headaches.

Nopalea Juice is also believed to help with a host of other ailments, such as joint pain. It also is believed to help reduce swelling and all the subsequent problems that come as a result of swelling.

The Nopal Cactus is believed to have been used as a food and medicine dating back to the times of the Aztecs. Natives used the plant for juice and ate it as a vegetable, as well.

When cooked like a vegetable, the plant can be grilled, broiled, boiled, or steamed. It is also a very popular dish to eat with eggs or as a filling in tacos.

The plant is a native of the Sonoran desert. It may have grown into its current worldwide popularity in part because the Spanish explorers took the plant back to Europe with them.

Nopalea juice is not only a natural anti-inflammatory, but it is thought to also be a natural antioxidant. The Nopal Cactus contains a special pigment called betalains. Betalains are natural antioxidants that are only found in a few select plants, including Swiss chard and beets. This powerful pigment is believed to fight cancer and is also found in the Nopal Cactus.

As more people move away from eating food with preservatives and additives, the popularity of the all-natural Nopalea Juice is growing. While prescription medicine is a blessing, it also comes with some pesky side effects sometimes, so any way to treat disease and other health conditions without relying on a prescription medicine is welcome.

Author Bio: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about Trivita for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including thumb joint pain. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: joint pain, detoxification, inflammation, betalains, nopalea juice, nopalea

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