Numerology Meanings – Do You Know the Secrets Hidden Within Your Names and Date of Birth?

Numerology Meanings are fascinating because they reveal the hidden depths of our personalities and our purpose in life. You can learn so much about yourself or another person (partner, child, friend etc) when you understand the different core numerology numbers that you can calculate from your birth name and date of birth. Imagine the secrets that can be unlocked from within your full name, once you understand a little about numerology.

Sadly, many people will go through their whole lives not knowing how much their name meaning could have helped them.

Interestingly your house number, office number, even your social security number can also be interpreted using numerology meanings!

I think that reading your name numerology meanings is a little like your astrology chart – it is giving you information about yourself that is helpful to you on a very deep level. It is also unique to you. Also, if you read your partner’s or child’s numerology chart you will be able to understand them on a far deeper and more meaningful level, which can only enhance your relationships.

So, here are the 4 core numerology numbers and a brief description of what they mean.

1. Your Life Path Number. This is derived from the numbers in your DATE OF BIRTH. It reveals your overall journey through life. It also tells you what you can hope to achieve.

2. Your Expression Number. This is derived from the numerical value of the letters in your FULL BIRTH NAME. It really describes the best you that you could become.

3. Your Soul Urge Number. This is derived from the numerical value of the VOWELS in your name. It gives you a very spiritual reading about your innermost desires. It can show you the way to be most fulfilled in your life, where you will find the most satisfaction.

4. Your Karmic Number. This is derived from the numerical value of the CONSONANTS in your full birth name. It will reveal your secret hopes and fears and your subconscious urges. It can also show you the way in which others see you when they first meet you.

By calculating all these 4 core numerology numbers you will get the full picture about yourself and your life. Your name and date of birth are like a blueprint and using numerology you can de-code that blueprint. It’s a bit like learning to read a map of your life.

You can discover exactly how to calculate each of these 4 core numbers step-by-step on my website (there’s simply too much information to fit into this article!):

Once you have done that, you can look into the individual meanings for each of your 4 numbers. You see, the interpretation of the Number 1 for the Life Path Number is very different from the interpretation of the Number 1 Karmic number, and so on. So to get a true interpretation of the numerology meanings you need to use a comprehensive numerology book to look up the in-depth meaning. Alternatively you can have a professional numerologist do your calculations and interpret all your core numbers for you.

Author Bio: Get your free personalized numerology reading today: Numerology Meanings You will also find in-depth information about all aspects of numerology meanings which may help you. Plus get in depth names advice.

Category: Advice
Keywords: numerology meanings, name numerology, name meanings, names and their meanings

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