Padron Cigar Line Up
At Padron Cigars, the concept and significance of time is understood. More than one hundred years have gone into the making of the Padron legacy, and personal attention is paid to each and every detail, from growing the tobacco, to the cigar manufacturing process.
Padron cigars are steeped in rich heritage from Cuba where the recipe for them originated. It all began with Damaso Padron in the 1800s in Pinar del Rio, which is the richest tobacco region of Cuba. Today this brand is recognized worldwide for delivering the finest handmade and complex cigars that carries the tradition of its Cuban heritage.
This line of cigars began in 1964 in Miami, Florida. Jose Padron moved from Cuba to create his own brand. In 1970 he moved his operation to Nicaragua, but soon found that the political unrest would force him to move the business yet again to Honduras. It was in 1993 that the brand got its big break at a tradeshow.
Padron cigars are made with the finest seed tobaccos grown, and these seeds are of Cuban descent. These cigars have a wonderful taste, making them a great cigar at an affordable price. You know that you cigar is from this manufacturer because of its square shape.
The flavor is medium, with just a slight hint of coffee and cocoa coming through with each cigar. This constant quality is the result of only producing these cigars once year. This means you get top of the line flavor each and every time.
This premium cigar company offers the Padron Classic Line which includes the “thousand” series which consists of 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 sizes. Included in this line you will also find the Churchills, Corticos, Ambassodor, Magnum, Londres, Palmas, and Executives.
The 1964 Anniversary Cigars are box-pressed in the 1940\’s Cuban tradition. This cigar is the most popular stick made by Padron. It has been a top-seller for almost a decade. They are limited in supply and the demand is huge, which means they are expensive, but deemed by aficionados as worth every single penny.
The 1926 Anniversary Cigars were released to commemorate the 75th birthday of Jose Padron. It was created to be a more full-bodied cigar than the 1964 Anniversary cigar, and producing it involved selecting even rarer tobacco leaves.
Some consider this cigar complex, but it\’s actually just smoother, allowing more flavors to be noticed. This is a prime example of the fact that choosing quality over quantity will certainly pay off. Because of the limited supply, they can be hard to get your hands on.
The 80th and 40th Anniversary Cigars were released in 2007 and were created to celebrate the 80th birthday of Jose Orlando Padron – the founder of this amazing brand. The 80th comes in a perfecto shape, and it is the first cigar of this shape to be made by this manufacturer.
The Family Reserve 45th Anniversary Cigars are considered the best cigar made by this company known for their quality products. Offered in a very limited edition box, it is only available in toro size.
The Family Reserve 45th Anniversary Cigars are made with the same quality of tobacco as the 80th, but the tobacco is aged longer. These Cigars are steeped in rich history, and they are sure to satisfy, no matter which stick you choose to indulge in.
Author Bio: Want to try a Tatiana Classic Flavored Cigar for yourself, as well as other brands of cigars like camacho cigars visit our online cigar shop.
Category: Recreation
Keywords: cigar smoking, humidor, cigars, , cigar cutter, lighter, cigar shop, cigar ashtray