Pesky Pests Can Help the Avid Gardener If Treated Right

Stink bugs are the kind of creatures that one wonders what they were made for. In fact, they can be quite beneficial to the garden in their own inimitable way, but it does take some planning to see which plants will benefit from the humble stink bug for sure.

They have this unflattering name since they exude a rather smelly liquid from the sides of the body. They are not alone in this phenomenon but they are different in build to the others. Many of these creatures will actually eat plants but there are some which will actually predate on other animals which cause problems to the avid gardener. This is where the benefit of having them in the garden comes in. By employing the right kind, other pests are kept under control so the plants flourish without the need for pesticides etc. This is great for those people who are trying to be as green as possible too.

Now this does not mean that one should run out and capture some of them for the garden right away. These creatures can actually do more harm than good so the benefits have to be weighed up first. The idea of the smell is to attract a mate. However, this smell will also tell other predators that there is food to be had in this particular garden. This now is where the choice of plants is important since creatures will only come where there is an easy food source. This is a rather delicate balancing act to try to sort out and should only be attempted by those who have done some research beforehand. Finding some help from the experts is probably the best way to start since they have all the knowledge available but broken down in easy to understand segments. This can be found online, for ease of reading, and some will offer other kinds of information too.

It is important to note that these creatures can actually get into the house too and this is not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination. The first thing to do is to locate where they are coming in. Once a few have been seen, or smelt in this instance, it is vital to get onto this job very fast. Small holes and cracks around doors and windows should be sealed up in any way possible to stop them entering, but this is also a good idea for other pests too. In fact, these creatures multiply quickly where they will not be disturbed very often. It may be wise then to clean out garages and the garden shed regularly if any infestation is suspected.

If all else fails, and the population goes up in the garden and causes some problems, one clever way of averting the damage is to get a chemical, available online too, which mimics their smell. The chemical can be sprayed away from the garden which should attract the pests to that area, to attract a mate as was mentioned earlier, and away from the prized plants for sure.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis has often called on the expertise of a stink bug removal company to treat her large office facility. She has done her own research for an article on stink bugs in the past.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: stink bug,stink bugs

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