PIO VI Cigars
PIO VI cigars are a robust, boutique blend of cigars. They are hand rolled cigars and made with the finest tobacco available in unique blends. PIO VI cigars are offered in a variety of blends and sizes. The Classic PIO VI cigar is the original boutique blend, and there are only 1000 boxes produced each month. The Overture Series 1996 was created and released to commemorate the original Classic line released in 1996. These were a limited release production with only 600 boxes produced. The Resurrection was released in 2009.
Alberto J. Medina is the master behind the PIO VI cigar. Even after a lengthy legal battle that almost took everything he had, he persevered, and continues to blend these masterful cigars. Someone had taken his brand name PIO and it\’s popularity and used it to their advantage, but when Alberto found this out, he took legal action and finally won back the rights to his PIO name. Upon its first release, this smoke received an excellent rating by Cigar Aficionado. That is a rating most cigars dream of and only the finest achieve, and usually after years and years of production. This only proves the excellence in the craftsmanship of these cigars. He started out in a small cigar shop in Miami\’s Little Havana district in 1996. After the legal battle was over, he resurrected his business and launched the PIO Resurrection Box Press Limited Edition in 2009. It was a line that was launched and named after the sacrifices he had to make for his much loved cigars. His success story also proves that it doesn\’t require having a lengthy family lineage in cigars to have a successful business. It does however require the love of what you do and the talent to achieve it.
The PIO VI Overture Series 1996 was the release to commemorate the original 1996 release of the PIO VI Classic. Its blend differed slightly from the original, using a filler made from Nicaraguan, Brazillian, and Dominican Republic tobaccos. It is offered in Corona, Torpedo, Robusto, Churchill and No.3 sizes. It would be considered a medium to full body cigar. Taking a look at one of these masterpieces, the wrapper is a dark brown with minimal veins. The draw is flawless from the start. The burn starts off great and then gets a bit wobbly. Yet it corrects itself quickly and then finishes straight. This cigar starts off mild, but by the middle it\’s complexity ramps up and it becomes a medium body to almost full body smoke. Its primary flavors are of sweetness, nuts, and leather. There is a spiciness that blends itself nicely towards the end.
The latest line of PIO VI cigars is the Resurrection line. These are box pressed cigars, which, many cigar smokers would agree, add a robust flavor to any cigar. They are offered in Churchill, Torpedo and Robusto sizes. The filler in these are made from Nicaragua and Mexico tobaccos. The wrapper is a dark chocolate color with minimal veins. For a Maduro wrapper, there is very little oiliness. It is a solid feeling cigar with no soft spots. The draw is perfect and the burn was fairly even throughout the smoke. The ash was a dark gray and held tight the entire time. This is also a complex smoke, with primary flavors of coffee and toasted nuts.
Author Bio: Want to try a Tatiana Classic Flavored Cigar for yourself, as well as other brands of cigars like camacho cigars visit our online cigar shop.
Category: Recreation
Keywords: cigar smoking, humidor, cigars, Schrader Cigar, cigar cutter,