Stop Smoking With Hypnotherapy

Many people are struggling to stop smoking. The urges to smoke just another cigarette are too strong for them. So much so that many people have relapsed time after time and some people have been doing this for decades. As a result of this people are starting to use other methods of quitting smoking and not just the old cold turkey route. Some want to stop smoking with hypnotherapy, some are using homeopathy, some are using NRT products and some are even using laser surgery. In this article we will focus on those who want to stop smoking with hypnotherapy.

Many people who want to stop smoking with hypnotherapy are quite skeptical. They are asking questions such as is it safe? How long will it take for me to stop smoking? How does the process actually work? Can I be made to do anything against my will? We will answer all of these questions on this article.

First of all, hypnosis works by first putting you in a state of intense relaxation. The hypnotherapist then proceeds to give you hypnotic suggestions that are designed to help you stop smoking. After you have been given enough of these suggestions the hypnotherapist will then take you out of hypnosis. The reason the hypnotherapist first makes you relax is because it is much easier and quicker for your subconscious mind to accept the suggestions he is giving you if you are in a relaxed state. So why do we focus on the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is the part of the mind where all your habits are ingrained, where your associations or anchors are made and where your belief systems lie. By getting through to your subconscious mind we can influence your habits and try to eliminate your smoking habit. Also, through years and years of smoking, you brain has associated smoking with the good feelings that you get from it. Whenever you want to experience that feeling, which is a lot of the time, you will feel the urge to smoke. Whenever you are stressed you will feel the urge to smoke because smoking gives you those good feelings.

The aim of hypnosis in this respect is to associate smoking with bad things. Once these anchors are set in your subconscious mind it will become much easier for you to not smoke because you will no longer derive any positive feelings from smoking. This means you will have less urges to smoke and this is how you can stop smoking with hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy is completely safe because at any point during the hypnosis session you can resist the commands being given to you and you can simply get up and walk out of the room. You can come out of trance anytime. I can tell you this because I have been in trance many times in my life and I have come out of it whenever I wanted to or whenever there was something that needed my attention. You can never get stuck in hypnosis.

Hypnosis works for some people and for others it does not work. It can be quite expensive to get a therapist to conduct the sessions for you although this is without a doubt the best way because the therapist can tailor the suggestions to your situation. It can take a number of sessions to finally kick the habit.

Author Bio: The author is committed to helping people lead healthier lives and it is with this view he has submitted this article. you can find out more information on this topic by clicking here

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: effects of quitting smoking, effects of stopping smoking, quitting smoking, smoking cessation, stopp

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