Subliminal Songs: All About Backmasking

If you are an avid fan of music, then most definitely you have heard of the word “backmask.” With all the hype and controversies that surround it, you are wondering if what the other people are saying is true. Besides, why do people do it in the first place?

What is backmasking?

“Backmasking” is the short term for “backward masking.” This is a process where a sound engineer-or anyone who knows to manipulate music-records and plays songs, sounds and words, backward.

There are a number of reasons why people backmask songs. Others do it to increase curiosity among listeners. Sometimes artists or sound engineers do it to censor expletives in the lyrics and pass the song as clean. Majority backmask music to reveal any subliminal message or hidden message. This is a type of message that is not implied or stated explicitly in the lyrics or the melody of the song. It is only heard once you manipulate the music.

What are the common songs that are backmasked?

Through the years, hundreds of songs have already been backmasked. The first one was “Tomorrow Never Knows” of the Beatles. In fact, the Beatles was a group who utilized the backmask technique deliberately, especially in their album Revolver, released in 1966.

Majority of the backmasked songs, though, are rock. Some of the most controversial ones include “Night Prowler” on the Highway to Hell album of AC/DC. It gained notoriety after Richard Ramirez, an infamous serial killer, claimed that it was the song that inspired him to kill. An advocate announced that the song actually contained messages like a girl belongs in hell when the song was played backward.

How do people see them?

It really depends on whether you believe in the subliminal messages of these songs or not. Though others really try to include the hidden message into their songs, others do not even realize the so-called subliminal message until it is played backward. This could be because listeners may associate a certain word to what they hear, even if the sound is unclear. For example, a garbled word “healer” may be perceived as “leader” or “dealer.”

Backmasking received worldwide attention when churches started speaking up, accusing the songs and their artists as Satanic. After all, words such as “Lucifer,” “Satan,” and “hell” were often “heard” in their backward messages.

There are others, however, who are indifferent about it.

Should you believe them?

Again, it all depends on you. Just know, though, that since the subconscious mind has the ability to absorb anything, you should avoid those backward messages that may contain negative ideas. There are some songs that do not, such as Franz Ferdinand’s “Michael,” where the backward message tried to convince their bassist to see his mom because she is already worried.

Moreover, when you come across subliminal songs with negative messages, you may want to counter them with affirmations such as the following:

I will not let anything I hear affect me.
I am not defined by what I hear.
No negativity will put me down.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click
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Category: Self Help
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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