Teen Pregnancy in a Christian World

\”Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.\” Hebrews 13:4 ESV

Teen pregnancy is something that\’s been rampant these days. For example, the United States has one of the fiercest advocacy in educating young women, and young men, against teen pregnancy. But even so, even after all these efforts, the country has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. Something has gone very wrong here. We need to take more drastic measures to make sure teenage pregnancy rates go down in the next couple of years.

What is so wrong in the world these days that make teenage pregnancy so hard to stop? On the surface, the easy answer is exposure to sex through mass media.

Nowadays you don\’t need to travel more than half a mile to see an image of a woman clad in skimpy bikini in a billboard advertisement for a whitening soap. You don\’t even have to leave your own house. Simply turn on the TV and wait a few minutes for a commercial advertisement. The industry, any industry, knows that sex sells, and they are using that knowledge to forward their own agenda–that is, to sell. The effect this has on teenagers is that they are subconscious being taught that premarital sex is okay, that abstinence is for people that are out of touch with real life, that it\’s better to do it now and think later.

\”For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;\” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV

Another reason may be lack of family communication. Education begins at home, and the same is true with learning about one\’s own sexuality. But most parents these days prefer not to discuss about it with their kids and leave it up to their homeroom teacher or guidance councilor to learn what their kids need to learn about premarital sex. Simply put, it would be much better if parents were more active when it comes to satiating their kids\’ growing awareness towards his or her sexuality. After all, most kids are more trusting of their own parents than their school teachers and that\’s a fact.

The Bible has many stories to tell about pregnancy especially before marriage, and this is the reason why it\’s important to develop your child\’s natural interest towards Bible reading while they\’re still young.

It\’s hard to get concentrated into reading the Bible when you aren\’t used to it. But if you\’ve been doing it for a long time, or have developed a habit for it for as long as you can remember, you\’ll find no other book a greater source of inspiration than the Bible. Reading the Bible you\’ll discover all the reasons why abstaining can only bring good things to you later on in life.

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Category: Advice
Keywords: encouraging bible verses, encouraging scriptures

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