The 5 Key Steps From Being an Introvert to Being an Extrovert

Are you a self-confessed introvert? If so, you probably know the pros and cons of being one. Yes, it feels safe and peaceful to be by yourself. But there will be times when you can’t help but feel lonely and insecure and think about all the things, people, opportunities, and experiences you are missing out on.

If you want to make a change in your life, here are 5 steps you should follow:

1. Change the way you think about yourself. Most introverts refuse to invite change into their personalities because they think they are born to be introverts and that’s who they really are. They think they can’t help but be introverts.

But who you are is only what you think about yourself. If you think you are an introvert, then you will make decisions based on that belief. When someone invites you for a party out, you will choose to stay at home. When you’re in a crowd, you decide to stay in one corner and be by yourself instead of getting to know the people around you. Why? Your reason will be “because I’m an introvert”, not knowing that you just became an introvert because you thought so. This shows that your actions and behavior are the results of your thoughts.

So the first step is to change the way you think about yourself. There are two sides to this:

– Think that you are an extrovert.
– Believe that you are a very confident person so you are naturally likeable.

2. Focus on the benefits of extroversion. Instead of thinking about the benefits of introversion, focus on what being an extrovert can do in your life. Some people who think they are introverts have a negative perspective about extroverts. They tend to justify their introversion by saying that extroverts are noisy, rowdy, and aggressive people. That makes them feel safe and good as introverts.

If you want to be an extrovert, you need to help your mind understand that desire. Tell your mind to look at the benefits of being an extrovert. That includes more time spent with the family, more friends, more acquaintances, more memories, more experiences, more support and encouragement, more laughter, and the list goes on. Extroverts are also able to speak their minds and give their opinions. Therefore, they don’t have to settle for situations that are not favorable to them.

3. Find a balance. No one is born without the need for social relationships or the occasional alone time. You are created to be a balanced individual, independent but also able to value relationships and interactions with others. There is a different kind of satisfaction and happiness found in being with others and a different kind found in being by yourself. You need both kinds to live a complete and happy life.

4. Let down your guard. For most introverts, however, the transformation is more challenging. Some introverts only became introverts because of three possible reasons:

– They received negative feedback as extroverts.
– They had a negative experience as extroverts.
– Their introversion is part of their defensive instincts.

If you really want to change, you have to make the decision to let down your guard and let people in.

Now, that sounds hard. After all, can you really control your instinctive defense mechanisms or the thoughts that automatically enter your mind?

5. Reprogram your subconscious. The answer is, yes, you can! Your defense mechanisms and the thoughts that just randomly enter your mind without your meaning to all hide in your subconscious mind when not in use. If you want to control every thought that pops into your head or the instinctive feelings you have, you can reprogram them by sending subliminal messages into your subconscious.

Here are some examples:

I have the traits of a natural extrovert.
I am confident and outgoing.
I am at ease with other people.
I feel comfortable in crowds.
I enjoy social environments.
I enjoy meeting and interacting with people.
I value my relationships deeply.

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