The Basics of Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Erectile dysfunction medication like the popular sildenafil (Viagra) and the oral impotence treatment pill known as vardenafil (Levitra) are invaluable when it comes to treating problems involving penile erection or even outright male impotence. By ingesting these medicines roughly an hour before having sex, males suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) should gain the ability to realize and keep up a firm erection long enough for a long night of intercourse-related pleasure. At any rate, if you\’re suffering from ED or impotence, you should consult your doctor first before taking any sort of medication. That way, you\’ll be able to protect yourself from adverse side effects or other unforeseen consequences from taking these medications (such as the worsening of a preexisting condition).

All about Erectile Dysfunction

Before you can take erectile dysfunction medication, you should first know what that condition is and what it entails. ED, also known as erectile dysfunction or impotence, is characterized as the steady failure to acquire or maintain the erection of your penis for the sake of sex. As men age, the chances of getting erectile dysfunction increases. That\’s the reason why it\’s important for men to first let their doctors conduct tests on them to determine the cause of their ED and whether or not erectile dysfunction medication like Levitra is helpful in treating your ED (because if the cause of erectile dysfunction is more rooted from something mental like \”performance anxiety\” instead of something biological, then even the strongest aphrodisiacs and drugs would probably not work).

More to the point, if you\’re a man who\’s approaching his forties, then you have a higher risk of getting erectile dysfunction than a man in his twenties. Ditto when it comes to men over sixty. The reason behind why ED is so rampant among the elderly is because older males also have a higher predisposition towards injury or diseases as well as drug usage with potential side effects that may cause erectile dysfunction. What\’s more, ED can also serve as a symptom for high blood pressure and diabetes, plus any condition that impairs penile blood circulation or causes injury to your nerves can cause erectile dysfunction, so it\’s imperative that you get your doctor to take a good look at you before ingesting any sort of erectile dysfunction medication available to you.

Proper Dosage of Erectile Dysfunction Medication

Once you\’re cleared by your doctor to take ED medicine, you should follow the prescribed dosage given to you because he knows best how much of the drugs your body can take without causing any adverse side effects or overdose. He also prescribes it to you in accordance to the other medications you may be taking, your medical history, and your other conditions past and present. Dosage can also depend on your age, among many other factors. With that said, the recommended dosage of the popular brand Viagra is twenty-five milligrams before meals (it takes effect about fifteen minutes later). Others can actually go for broke with fifty milligrams depending on their doctor\’s recommendation.

As for Levitra, the recommended starting dosage is ten milligrams taken an hour prior to sex. Depending on the circumstances, he may up your dosage to twenty milligrams or lower it to five milligrams depending on how well you\’re doing with the basic ten milligram pill. If you can tolerate twenty milligrams and it doesn\’t cause you any distress, then that\’s the dosage for you; on the other hand, if you can barely tolerate ten milligrams, the five-milligram pill is your safest bet. You should never adjust your erectile dysfunction medication dosage by yourself and without talking to your doctor first. You should not crush, chew, or break your pill; you must swallow it whole. It\’s also not advised for you to take Levitra after eating a high-cholesterol meal.

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: ed treatment, ed treatments, erectile dysfunction treatment, nitric oxide erection, nitric oxide ere

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