The Quick Fix Mentality (Trap)

You have most likely heard a child say, “I want it now!” After that, you may watch the child go into a tantrum if it doesn’t get it. This is the quick fix mentality. When a parent caves into the demands just to shut up the child, many times it leads to more of the same attitude. The processes of learning patience, earning the right to a reward, and doing what is right to receive the reward are sometimes forgotten in the process of satisfying a need or appeasing an unjustified demand. Many children carry this way of life into adulthood, and they wonder why life is so hard and unbalanced.

With a society driven by high consumer demand, high consumer credit (the USA), it is obvious that there cannot be a sustained long and successful life among its people because there is no foundation to sustain it. The quick fix mentality to satisfy a need results in a greater need which with the magic of compounding results in an ever increasing liability. The financial wizards who created the easy credit were more interested in their profits and less interested in the negative effect it has had on its customers by making them prisoners to their debts. People were motivated to satisfy a desire now and worry about the consequences later. The consequences don’t disappear, and the demands to satisfy or take care of the consequences multiply and can easily get out of control. It has happened to many (including me) as there is a lot of pressure to conform and fit in. How would you like to get rid of this quick fix mentality in favor of something more permanent that will give you peace of mind?

We have all had these moments when the “could have,” “should have,” and “would have” actions are played in your mind trying to figure out how you got into the mess you find yourself. Please understand that your mind and emotions are continually being preyed upon by sophisticated outside forces for you to think, do, and act in ways that are detrimental to your well-being. The forces take you out of reality and cause you unnecessary hardships. The quick fix attitude has put many in a bad way in the USA not only financially, but also physically and emotionally. Legal and illegal drugs can address a symptom and not a cause of your distress, and sometimes results in addictions. If you are in one of more of these situations realize that you are not alone, and you CAN recover from them. The first thing you need to do is to stop doing the things that have caused your problems. STOP THEM!!! It is all cause and effect.

Find the cause of your dilemmas, and eliminate the actions and attitudes that created the problems. Immediately seek ways to get on the right path to eliminate them. All that Discover Living wants to do for you is going to help you accomplish this. Make a decision to stop the excesses now, and start the journey of recovery to a more meaningful and fulfilling way of life. The following are some of the most common quick fix traps we get into:

Desire/Problem Quick Fix Solutions

1) Money Credit Cards, borrow, steal

2) Food Eat what tastes good.

3) Feel Good Drugs, Alcohol

4) Love Infatuation with Appearance, Wealth, & Need

Let’s briefly analyze each solution to each desire or problem: #1) All three of these solutions resolve the immediate need, but ultimately create a bigger one. Spending money that isn’t yours ultimately creates a larger financial need. Everyone knows this, but still we succumb to the desire. It is time to do a reality check. At some point in time you will not be able to do this anymore so the earlier you stop, the quicker you will be able to recover. You need to learn patience, humility, and the power of pride when you can do things because you earned the right to do them. Other than cars, house, business, and some investment strategies to create leverage, spend it only when you have it to spend. Work with us, read my book, and begin the process of getting debt free. A new life awaits.

#2) Processed foods and drink have become a science for manufacturers to find ways to satisfy your taste buds, and not harm your body. However, the emphasis seems to be on the former and not the latter. With the rampart obesity, diabetes, increasing asthma and allergies, heart disease, cancer, and many more imbalances of the body, one really needs to question the nutrition value or lack of in many of the processed foods you consume. Sugar is found in many processed foods for taste, but does not benefit the body. This includes high fructose corn syrup as well as sugar. I read that cancer is said to thrive in sugar. You really need to check labels to see what you are putting in your body. The best way to restore health is simply to keep your diet as close to Mother Nature as possible. This means to consume what comes directly from the ground or tree. Drink only pure water. At another time I will tell you how I get the purest water directly from the air. Be very careful of the quality of meat and poultry you consume. Supplement as needed, but don’t go overboard with costly supplements.

#3) Get high on life and have no need for artificial stimulants. Drugs (both prescription and non-prescription) can mask a problem and give you a false sense of reality because they are only a temporary fix. There is a definite need for prescribed medications, but care must be taken with everything you put in your body. Side effects with some of the prescribed medication can create excessive wear on your body to the point where you create a new problem while trying to resolve a former one. Before reaching for the medication bottle, explore other ways to help your body to heal itself. Discover Living will share many ideas to help you with this. Read my Discover Living book for ways for your body to help heal itself. A friend who has tried about every diet program on the market is now finding success by changing to more of a raw food diet. Her results have been amazing. Taking illegal drugs is both addictive, harms your body, and gives you a false sense of reality. Many times you desire to consume more to try to repeat the same high you experienced before. There is cause and effect with everything in life, and with illegal drugs it destroys life and quality of life. Unfortunately, curiosity prompts us to try things we shouldn’t do. Because of the addictive properties of illegal drugs, it is best to never be tempted. Be smart, and stay far away from situations where these activities go on. It is your call with this and alcohol. For many, social drinking of alcohol is an accepted norm. It is your call. Red wine has been a healthy alternative for many families for generations. Personally, I really enjoy a cold beer on a warm day. Moderation is a habit we should use in everything we do.

#4) Everyone wants and needs to be loved and be accepted. You really do not need a false front to conform to who you feel you need to represent. This results in unnecessary stress. Learn to like and accept yourself for who you really are at this moment. You are unique and special, and do not need to look, dress, and act like others. It is also not good to take the other extreme and attempt to be totally different from everyone else. You being you is easier on your emotions, and most likely what everyone would prefer. Hair styles, clothes, tattoos, jewelry, etc. are just fronts and not the real person on the inside. People who you want as friends and lovers want to know what the person on the inside is all about. Learn to know and love the you that’s on your inside then you will be able to attract others who want to share these same qualities on a longer term basis. You can avoid the surprises that result in short term relationships with friends and lovers by seeking to relate to and be attracted to the inner qualities of others. Seek substance to your life and with those around you. Life should simply be you being you. Our thoughts cause us to change by the second so don’t get caught up with an image of yourself or of others that lack substance. Be satisfied with the you of the present, and begin sharing the Discover Living principles and watch yourself and others around you evolve into something special. It’s time to put the quick fix mentality aside, and establish a solid foundation for a more fulfilling way of living.

Author Bio: Ed Lupton is the author of the book, \”Discover Living – A Writer\’s Journey\” which is available at Discover Living . This website is also the action plan of the book, and combined can lead you to a more fulfilling way of life.

Category: Advice
Keywords: quick fix, excesses, foundation, reality

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