Theory Of A Safe Dying

Many people wonder that their soul can be stolen, but it is so. However, it is written, that to steal someone\’s soul, especially for bad purposes, is the biggest crime, far worse than normal murder. In fact it is a crime that officially does not exist and therefore cannot be committed, which means that no one can be punished for it. Accordingly to all the laws, no crime of soul stealing exists.

The Devil\’s servants are often employed in health service in order to have access to dying people. They often wait long enough to catch the souls of the dying shortly before the moment of their natural death so the death looks overall naturally and even autopsy should not recognize the little difference (= \”deadly values\” should already be in the range* for natural death, but very little lower than if the person died very little later if his or her soul was not stolen) and, by the way, often it is just these Devil\’s servants (in the position of a doctor) who are performing the examination of a corpse to determine the cause of death and who are deciding if there will be any autopsy at all.
Such a soul stealing can be done by the look of eyes at the dying person, eventually by standing near him or her or by touching. The Devil\’s servant concentrates on the Hellish world, he or she will open it and bad beings from the Hell will catch the soul of the dying in order to draw it in their parallel demoniacal world. Problem is that dying people have weakened vital functions and the lack of vital energy, thanks to which the stealing of their souls is the easier. This thing is being done all throughout the world and is subjected to the highest concealment.

In order to stay safe, one should be dying alone without being seen by any other person (= no one is allowed to look at him and this is valid for any electronic equipment, through which he can be observed, as well as for any distant observation from an opposite house through uncovered windows, for example) and without being too close** to any other person.

Never trust anyone in the moment of your death, since sometimes you do not know who is who even after tens of years of \”knowing\” him. In the last hour, no company is always better than any bad one. And because the dying person usually cannot fully recognize who is good and who is bad (no normal person can recognize it precisely), best is to choose no company. For always is better to avoid not only own relatives*** (if some relatives belong to the Society of Satan as well, they can rob the dying one of his or her soul regardless of the fact that they are relatives), but also all the emergency doctors & nursing sisters (some can be very dark although externally purveying the best care) and any other med personnel as such in general (never forget that this is also valid for all the other patients, because some of them can be Devilish as well). The known problem is that the secret dark often exude such a big trust, that many people choose them for their companion in the hour of their death, having no idea how horribly-bad consequences it can have to their after-life\’s existence.

Remember that especially if an elected**** one would be dying alone far from other people and without being looking at, the secret dark would try to find a way how to get to him and how to gain control over him. The reason would be a fake one, for instance: he must be better taken care of = under the supervision of a doctor; police must talk to him; there was an accident about the place where he is dying and he must be transported to a different place; just one especially-good nursing sister has to be present during his death; some relative must see him before he will die; a priest wants to pray for his soul while he is dying and similarly.

Take care of the safety of your soul. It does not matter too much how pretty will be the sepulchral stone on your grave, if you were dying in a nicely-looking dress or fully naked, if you have been excellently taken care of or a little worse (better is a bit worse care from somebody who is normal and then your soul goes there where it was supposed to go, than the best possible care from some Satanic bitch and then your soul is in the Hell). The main thing that matters here is whether your soul was or was not caught by the Hell and if it can or cannot be moved to the spiritual world, to which it belongs by it\’s condition.

*These values can exceptionally be closely under the bottom line and not every time within the range for the death that happened fully naturally.

**The greater the distance the better and two or more walls are more recommended than one only.
For your information: Equipments like telescopes from satellites can be used for a distant soul hunting in a similar way like binoculars, since they picture people as if they were close and it helps to concentrate on them. However, the using of these equipments is much less efficient than the straight closeness of a soul hunter.

***Of course, a parent or a child like the closest relatives in the moment of the death should normally be okay. However, by far not every time! In normal families it should be safe, but not in the mixed ones (where one part of relatives is normal but the other Devilish; in such a case their mother should be Devilish as well, because Devilish children use to be born to Devilish women). The fact is that people who serve the Devil are hidden and they behave more or less normally all through their life, therefore their own normal close relatives have no idea, that their sister, brother or even mother could have bad intentions about them or even endanger their soul in the moment of their dying. As soon as the moment of death is coming, the secret dark cease to see in the dying one their relative. The only thing that they see is a soul, which can be sold, tortured to produce food, eaten or anything. That is why my Golden Rule says that absolutely best is to be dying alone, since, as it has already been said, one never knows.

****So far I did not find any sufficient way how to protect the elected. Safe Dying is mainly good for normal people, but the elected are hunted before they are naturally dying and that is the problem. Another problem is that if the rules of the Safe Dying were observed, the secret dark would maybe start to hunt the souls of the best out of normal people before their natural dying in the same way like the elected. One way or the other, the elected and the best normal people must not be where there are the secret dark.

PS 1: I have had an intention to create special places with a building on an extensive premise in order to enable people to die safely (where everybody who would attempt to approach the dying one would be shot down on the spot without any court). However, I am practically sure that the secret dark would soon become the management of such places, which would change themselves into the most efficient Devilish institutions serving the soul hunting. Therefore the home seems to be the best solution at all times.

PS 2: The head of this world would give away billion of U.S. dollars, if will be said that my theory of the safe dying and the things which I have described here about the most evil intentions of health care employers and relatives are rather nonsense than only exaggerated. If someone will lie to you that there is nothing to be afraid of, that you are free to trust medical staff members or relatives and let them in your home in order to stay near a dying normal human being, do not believe him, please. For maybe he will one day need you to help him get the soul of your closest one and then, maybe, he will one day need the help of somebody else who has believed his words to help him get the soul of your own.

Author Bio: If you want to read more from me, please visit my web sites and

Category: Religion
Keywords: soul, safety, stealing, people, health service, death, dying

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