Trapped in a Job You Don’t Like: Know What to Do

It’s the time of the day again. You’re forcing yourself to get up, drinking a number of coffee cup just to keep yourself fully awake. While in the office, you feel so stressed and tensed. You commit a lot of mistakes, and you start withdrawing from friends and bosses. You can’t wait for the job to end and go back home. If this is you, then it only means one thing: you don’t like your job anymore.

Nevertheless, it’s not difficult to leave your work for a lot of reasons. First, you need it. If you leave your job, what’s the chance that you’re going to find a new one again? There’s also the feeling of guilt. There are thousands of people who’d like to get some work, and yet here you are, thinking of leaving it all of a sudden. It could also be you have become too comfortable with what you’re doing you can’t picture yourself doing something else for yourself.

It’s definitely difficult to get out and search for another type of work, but there’s also no point in staying in something you no longer love anymore. A lot of people fall into deep depression because of this. You don’t want to get into that point.

But what should you do? The following might be helpful:

Don’t quit unless you know what to do next. It’s more difficult to be left in limbo after work. You don’t know what to do next. Besides, you don’t have the luxury for dilly-dallying. Before you leave, make sure you have some concrete plans on what to do. You already start looking for some jobs, asking for recommendations from friends and family. In fact, you can ask help from your boss, if you think he or she is open to your reason for leaving. You can get an excellent referral from them.

Start saving. No matter how good you are, there are no guarantees that you can immediately land a job. That’s why you should begin saving up. Your savings should be enough to cover everything you’re going to need for at least within the next three to six months.

Update your skills. Quitting will be futile if you’re still going to look for the same job somewhere else. If you don’t like your job anymore, then you should update your skills. You can take crash or short-term courses. If you have a degree that’s a mismatch from your job, then it’s time to pursue a degree-related work later.

Practice visualization. You may ask, “How can visualization help me from getting a job that I want?” Sometimes one of the reasons why you we don’t have the job we like is because we don’t have a clear idea of what we want to be. You can utilize visualization to help you figure out the future you.

While you’re having some visualization, you can also listen to subliminal messages or affirmations such as the following:

This is the person I want to be.
I can be this person.
I can definitely achieve my dreams.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click
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Category: Jobs
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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