When the Going Gets Tough – The Tough Get Going

I believe most of you have heard the cliche, “When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going.” For me, I tell myself to “find a way.” I really believe in the word “possible.” Our mind has a fantastic ability to find solutions to our life’s challenges so we must train and exercise it to produce. It can and it will. When you fall into the traps of using “impossible” or “can’t” in your everyday language, it’s over before you begin. Why waste your energy if you already have the attitude that your effort for change is not going to happen.

Fortunately, a great many do not have this poor attitude toward the challenges of life. However, a great many only make feeble attempts to live their dreams and then soon give up with the realizations of impossible, can’t, too hard, not enough time, or simply a willingness to live a life of lack. By joining the Discover Living team, I want you to redirect these thoughts to an image of possible, can, will, do, and a better life. This includes people of every sex, race, color, creed, and country of origin so I am including you in all that I relate.

Before you succumb to any challenge think about the two miracle workers that are ever present within your own body. We currently know very little about the power of our mind. Through Discover Living we will explore many avenues to tap into what I believe are the untold resources of our mind. All day long our mind is helping us in the form of intuition, hunches, inspiration, etc. to get us out of a dilemma or redirect our actions or lack of. Sometimes others with advanced mental abilities can aid in the process of positive change to overcome inequities and gain greater control with our life. I have courses in photo learning and Qi Gong. The Chinese Qi Gong Master has performed many miraculous healings. I am also learning from another who has had miraculous hands on healings. Both believe this power is in all of us. The photo reading is being practiced around the world by training the subconscious to release the information it gathers. I believe we have super learning capabilities in all of us.

The second miracle worker is your body itself. As I state in my book, “Your body is its best healer.” It knows more about healing anything than you will find in any textbook. Your body has all the answers to its needs. You simply need to prime it with the right actions and nutrients so it can perform as God has designed it to perform. How many people on their death bed suddenly were given a miracle cure? There are documented miracle cures of people from countries around the world. Some of these special people are called advisor, mentor, healer, doctor, shaman, trainer, acupuncturist, therapist, witch doctor, nurse, herbalist, etc. depending on where you live and your affinity for certain forms of cure. What they all have in common is an awareness of the functions of the body and/or mind, and their own procedures for helping the body and mind to perform to their optimum.

You have the choice to decide who or if you want to have a specially trained individual assist you. Remember that it is your decision to do what you feel is right to meet your needs. Treat your body as the most precious thing you own, and be very careful what you allow others to do hopefully in your best interest. We at Discover Living are going to talk about God’s foods or put more clearly we are going to tell you about the benefits of foods that you can find in nature that have special medicinal benefits to your body and mind. By keeping your focus as close to Mother Nature as possible, your body is going to relish the fine treatment. We will also feed your mind in areas that will lead you to peace of mind and financial wellness. You have to make the decision to work with us and help us become a greater force for our mutual benefit.

As a former professional baseball player, I learned that through repetition of the proper techniques, I could learn how to throw a baseball and make it do magical things. A musician, singer, chef, engineer, and other professionals do the same and become experts at their trade. What about you? When you can combine belief, passion, and repetition along with proper technique, you will be able to make fantastic changes with your life. It is only when you give up that you deny yourself of the riches that I discussed in my free ebook and my Discover Living book on this website. The important point that you never want to forget is your right to make the right choices to govern your life in a good way.

In the USA there are supposedly greater freedoms and choices that might not be available in other areas of the world. At the same time the middle class in the USA is disappearing, and the rights of many seem threatened by an ever growing government structure and a weakening private sector. The people of the USA as with the people in other parts of the world are and will continue to face a variety of challenges that threaten their well-being. It is how they react to these challenges that determine how well and how fast they can be put in the past. We all must understand that few will be void of these challenges. We’re in this thing called life together so never feel alone. You have us.

The ideal situation is for you to be able to make the right and necessary decisions that govern your life and yet at the same time to be part of a larger group or force that has the same aspirations for personal well-being doing what is right without harming another. This is a glimpse of what Discover Living is all about.

Yes, each of us is going to have our livelihood, health, and relationships threatened at some point in life and jeopardize our personal well-being. For some it will become a daily occurrence. What are you going to do? I encourage you to read and reread my Discover Living book for some of the answers. You need to build a foundation of principles to live by and an action plan that will keep you moving forward and out of the challenges you face. By working with us you can become part of a force for a better life.

The inequities of life are enormous. They are hard to understand until you find yourself in the middle of a situation and suddenly they are very real very fast. If we stay the course we are on, it is with certainty that you will find yourself in the middle of an undesirable situation at some point and maybe sooner than later. Bonding together will minimize the challenges to your life. For those with heavy burdens, I hope we can provide an avenue for escape and hope. For those who have lesser challenges become part of a group that moves forward to rid themselves of their lack.

The answers to life’s challenges rest in individual decisions made independently, without force or coercion, without greed, and with all the intentions of good taking place. To accomplish this task each of us needs to be careful with what we do, how we act, and with whom we associate. We need to become tough and not cave in to society’s forces that sell you short. We can become tough as a group and together seek some of the solutions to the obstacles barring each of our lives from a life of meaning and filled with love and peace of mind.

Let me ask you what is the shortest distance between two points? Of course, the answer is a straight line. The same is your answer to your life’s challenges…a straight line, i.e. go directly at what is causing the imbalance in your life, and put it in the past as quickly as possible. I realize that you can only do what you can do so at least do that. Then tomorrow when the sun comes up again begin the challenge anew and give it your best again, making the necessary changes in your life as your journey moves forward. By combining a lot of small changes, you suddenly can find a major shift to a more positive situation. So explore every positive alternative and continue to be a seeker of the truth and what is right with your life. When you combine belief with passion and action, amazing results take place.

You don’t know how tough you are until you make the decision to become a doer of righteous actions when the challenges face you and you have to react to overcome, succumb, or run. Remember that the quick fix of popping a pill or taking a shortcut may only improve your situation in the short run. However, until you address the cause of your challenge, it will remain as a future source of additional harm to you. You need to eliminate the cause or put it into remission to regain the vitality you may have lost. This is true both in finance as well as in health related conditions. This is a tough determination that you must willingly exude to put an end to your suffering. Become a seeker of answers until your last breath.

As I relate in my book, “Life works out best for those who make the best of how life works out.” Get going now and right the wrongs in your life by focusing on your needs without harming another. I know you are tougher than you may think you are. Just think about how your life will be when most of your challenges are behind you, and you now have this same determination, energy, and belief system to give you a new life and the peace of mind you rightly deserve.

Author Bio: Ed Lupton is the author of the book, \”Discover Living – A Writer\’s Journey\” which is available at Discover Living. This website is also the action plan of the book. You can review this article on my blog at The Get Tough Article by Discover Living. Join with us.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: can, will, possible, intuition, believe, passion

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