Which is Better: CityVille Or FarmVille?

This is one of the most common questions I come across when playing the newest game called CityVille. You would think with FarmVille being the Elder, it would be better, but really it is not. It made its debut on the 19th of June 2009, while CityVille was born on December 2nd 2010. So both of this games are relatively new.

In the gaming arena it is very common for newer games to often outperforms older games, especially with graphic details. CityVille is no different as it features a 3D graphics engine and the textures look a lot better than in FarmVille. But graphics are not what we are mostly concerned about when playing our favorite games, are we? We want to play the game that engages our feelings and entrances our minds and makes us addicted.

CityVille has introduced a new feature called Businesses and Franchises. You can grow your own business inside your City, or you can simply expand to your neighbor’s land. If you have a good offer, they will be more than pleased to supply your Franchise with Goods.

We have used our neighbors for tending in FarmVille already, where they could revive your crops or collect crops. Now they can do more tasks that you didn’t even think possible. Get their attention by putting the most important tasks in the center of the screen. For example, you can let them collect the rents from the houses or lead them on a sight seeing to any building you like.

We can see major improvement from Farmvile in terms of speed. Zynga received lots of negative feedback according to game loading issues. They knew they had to fix the game speed in order to attract more players.

And they did it, with style. Did you ever see an online game that has more than 100 million active players? Personally, I haven’t and I’ve played popular games like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty.

What makes both of these games superior is definitely the unexpected via updates. FarmVille receives new items almost daily, while CityVille is keeping the game fresh by providing new items and goals to make the game more interactive. Some goals even require your neighbor’s help to finish them. That is how you will unlock new items and be able to finish more goals and earn even more prizes.

Don’t expect to learn the game fast and definitely not without the right strategy. You would need a constant supply of fresh information to finally reach the limits of both games. These limits are attainable as I’ve seen it by my beta testers.

Both games are addictive and have plenty of features to offer. You will need to spend plenty of time decorating both games. CityVille will especially take you an awful lot of time to expand your City to the max. In fact most of us won\’t be able to reach that dream ever!

That is why you will need someone who can help you. Some professional gamers that spends countless hours optimizing their strategies to outperform all their competition. They are not special, they just invest their time into building the prettiest and best City. If you can gain access to their knowledge you can too.

They are the creators of CityVille Help Guide. Soon You’ll be able to meet some of them here http://cityville-help-guide.com. If your lucky you can also win an iPad as well. But most importantly you’ll discover the secret to which is better lies really in you.

Author Bio: The author has been playing and working with beta testers for the last several months optimizing the game-play and can be contacted at http://cityville-help-guide.com CityVille Help Guide is a new members site that provides it\’s members with a social forum to share ideas and build their cities in a fun and effective manner while building strong relationship with others.

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: cityville, facebook games, zynga games, cityville help guide, cityville guide, cityville tutorial

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