Which Is This So Popular Diet For Losing Belly Fat – Eat 6 Small Meals Each Day

One of the key ingredients to the success of losing belly fat is to change your eating habits. Most of us eat 2 to 3 large meals a day. But nutrition professionals will tell you that it is much healthier to eat 5 to 6 meals each day than 2 to 3 large ones. This is so amazing if you look back a few years ago, most people believed that eating more is bad for your health, in the sense that you gain weight. Well, gaining weight was being looked in terms of depositing a lot of fat in your body. One thing, you look ugly and also health wise, you are prone to a lot of diseases. These include, high blood pressure, diabetes, lung diseases and what have you.

Now it appears like a pipe of knowledge has just been let loose and it is obvious, eating frequently during the day is health against the old believe. Are you still there? Continue reading and your life will never be same again.

Eating smaller , more frequent meals will speed up your metabolism, prevent you from getting hungry, and help you lose weight faster than you thought possible.

Speeding up your metabolism is one of the keys to successful weight loss. By eating more often , your body spends more time, energy, and calories digesting and processing the food that you have eaten. The act of digesting burns a substantial amount of energy(calories) and contributes to a faster metabolism.

In addition, by eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, you will never feel hungry. When you are hungry, your body thinks it is starving. It does not care that food is only a few steps away on your oven, it just knows that it needs food . In response to your hunger pangs, your body reacts by trying to conserve energy. The way it does this is by slowing down your metabolism. If you did not know, a slower metabolism makes it more difficult to lose belly fat and makes you more susceptible to weight gain.

So, to make sure that your metabolism continues to work efficiently and effectively, you are going to eat 6 small meals each and every day. In fact, you have to be serious if you are really serious about losing belly fat by diet.

The timetable that you decide is up to you, but you should try to space your meals at least 2 hours apart. You should also remember never to eat within two hours of going to bed. And one more thing; although i never count calories as a rule, i always try to make my evening snack a relatively small one. All i am saying, you do not want to go to bed on full stomach. I try to limit my snack to 100 or so calories. A cup of yogurt and grapes or something like that is fantastic. If you could, develop a mealtime schedule similar to the one below:

7:30 AM – Breakfast

10:00 AM – Mid morning meal

Noon – Lunch

2:30 PM – Mid afternoon meal

5:00 PM – Dinner

7:30 PM – Evening Snack

Therefore, if you follow these steps religiously, before you know it , you will realize that eating proper diet is one of the effective methods to lose belly fat , taking more meals per day than most people do, 2 or 3 meals.

Author Bio: If you\’re interested in taking your belly fat loss efforts to an entirely new level, check it out http://www.truthsaboutsixpack.com on this site for more information.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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