Workplace Safety Training Importance and Requirements

Workplace safety training is an area of employment that is extremely important, and is required by rules and regulations that have been set in place by government entities. In the United States the branch that establishes these rules, as well as policing companies to ensure compliance, is the Occupational Safety and Hazards Administration (OSHA).

OSHA, in order to prevent workplace injuries, has set in place numerous laws that all companies must adhere to. These rules not only apply to companies that have employees, but to small self-employed companies as well. The businesses that do have employees are required to make a pre-employment training booklet, and many times a course designed to educate all new employees on workplace procedures and practices that are set into place.

One of the most common workplace training tips that need to be covered is the proper procedures for lifting. There are countless back, arm, and leg injuries due to improper techniques. It is imperative that employees learn to lift by bending their knees, and not by using their backs.

A small amount of weight lifted in the wrong way can cause severe, permanent damage to the lower back. These types of injuries will never completely heal after the damage occurs, so the importance of lifting correctly, and ensuring that all employees are aware of proper techniques, is one of the most important techniques that can be covered.

Another area that OSHA requires companies to address when it comes to workplace safety is wearing protective clothing and breathing equipment when working around any dangerous substances. This includes, but is not limited to, eye goggles, respirators, fire retardant clothing, ear plugs, and work boots. The specific safety requirements for a job will vary from job to job, so specific industries have their own set rules and regulations.

Another aspect includes having eye wash stations, first aid kits, chemical resistant clothes, and various other items on hand that may be required for each specific company. OSHA inspectors will check for compliance on a regular basis to ensure the safety of all employees, and they have the power to shut a company down if they do not follow the rules. Even though a company will usually be given the opportunity to make changes before this step is taken, repeat offenders will not be allowed to continue operating until compliance is met.

There are numerous different companies that offer training materials. Some of them are downloadable and can be modified to match specific needs, while others came as pre-made forms. OSHA has a website that can be accessed and the proper regulations and training material downloaded, as well as having local offices where they can also be acquired.

Workplace safety training rules and regulations have been put into place in order to maximize the efficiency of companies, and reducing work related injuries. Of course, each company can expand upon the requirements in order to go into more depth for each area, but they are obligated to match the set laws for each specific industry.

Author Bio: Act First Safety provides WHMIS training online, industrial safety products, workplace violence and consulting to Canadian businesses.

Category: Business
Keywords: WHMIS training, safety training, business, safety, family, society, online training, work, career,

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