You\’re Going Down Meany-Greenies!

You are just excited to swim on your pool. Finally, after the winter you can now get back to that water work out! It is time to lose the weight again! You come out of the house all cheery and delightful. You are ready to do some laps! And then you spot it. Your water is green and yucky! It looks like an awful lot of kool aid! But it\’s not kool aid is it? Oh GOD, my dear, it looks like you have algae. My condolences to you and your pool.

Yes, you do have algae on your pool. No, your child did not spill kool aid in the water. Denial would be easier won\’t it? But the thing is, algae is living and breathing in your pool. And what a disgusting sight it is!

So I know what your thinking, how do you get these wights out of your pool right? Well, it is a task but a doable task it will be with the appropriate attitude, mind set, equipment and chemicals. So get ready, it\’s time to get buff to battle out those pestiferous algae.

You will need:

A pool brush
A pool vacuum
Water shock
Water Clarifier
A good and running filter


The first thing to do is to condition yourself. Algae are hard headed organisms. They are not going to give up the fight easily. You have to have a long patience with these ones. Don\’t worry, with the right steps and supplies, you are bound to triumph over them meany-greenies!

Close down your pool. Tell your kids and your friends that the pool is off limits. NO ONE CAN USE THE POOL UNTIL THE ALGAE ARE DEAD AND THE POOL HAS BEEN CLEANED OFF THEIR REMAINS. Algae emmissions tend to be poisonous so you have to be extra careful.

Kids incline to be well, like algae, hard headed. You will never know when they\’ll do something stupid so be extra vigilant and strict. PUT UP TALL POOL GATES to keep them out of the vicinity. Lock the gate shut and hide the key. You should be able to close your pool in a maximum of 1 week. Kids can get rashes and infections from algal blooms. You do not want this to happen.

Brush off algae form the walls of your pool. Make sure that you scrub all sides.
Put in a bottle\’s worth of good and quality algaecide in your water. Let it circulate for 6 hours.

Next will be your water shock. But prior to that, be certain that you let the pH be in a lower rate. A high pH reading will hinder your water shock to work.

Clean your filter and back wash it. This will clear out any algae that might be stuck in your filter.

Run your filter for the next 2 days.

Vacuum out the cadavers of the algae that are suspended on your pool\’s floor.

Do not open your pool just yet. Test your water and adjust the chemicals — especially your pH. Boost it up with a pH increaser.

Get a move on! Scare and get rid of those meany-greenish once and for all. After all, you have the rest of the season to enjoy your marvelous pool. Have a swim!

Author Bio: I write for Pool Prodigy about aqua rite chlorine generator and pool salt chlorinator as well as other pool supplies.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: aqua rite chlorine generator, pool salt chlorinator, pool supplies

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