10 Ways to Get Rid of Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are some of the most ugly skin problems that you may encounter. They often occur on the foot, but they can also be present in other body parts where there is friction and pressure. Corns or calluses, or tyloma and heloma, are not really too bothersome. They actually are not considered as disease because these corns and calluses form in response to the pressure and friction that the skin encounters. It is a natural mechanism of the foot and other skin parts to thicken when it is constantly exposed to pressure, hence the formation of corns and calluses.

Although corns and calluses are not really painful, they can make your skin look really unpleasant. So if you want to remove these unwanted skin problems, here are 10 ways to get rid of corns and calluses.

1. Proper hygiene
Simple calluses on hand and feet usually go away on its own. If you do not encounter other problems associated with these bumps, you can just let them be. But, of course, you need to continuously observe proper hygiene so that they will not get infected. Wash the calluses or corns everyday with mild antibacterial soap and clean water. Also, avoid straining the already callused area.

2. Healthy Foods
Eating healthy foods is a must if you want to stay in good shape and ward off all those skin problems and other diseases. Corns in particular can form because of the acid-alkali imbalance in your body. To avoid this, you should eat more fruits and vegetables.

3. Apple cider vinegar
Vinegar has natural healing abilities. Just soak a piece of clean cloth with apple cider vinegar and wrap it around the callused skin overnight. For best results, do this method every night for a few weeks.

4. Green fig extract
The milky juice coming from green figs have proven its effectiveness in removing corns and calluses. You can just extract the green fig juice and place it in a container. Apply about a teaspoon of the green fig extract two to three times a day for a few weeks until the bump has softened.

5. Citrus fruits
Lemon, limes and oranges have similar contents with vinegar. Just get a slice of lemon, lime or orange then tie this against the corn or callus.

6. Bath salts
Bath salts help exfoliate the dead skin cells that forms the callus or corn. Just soak your feet in warm water and scrub the bath salt in order to soften your skin.

7. Liquorice sticks
Liquorice is one of the best remedies for removing calluses and corns that have just recently formed. You can just grind some liquorice stick and mix it with about a teaspoon of sesame or mustard oil. After you wash at night, apply this paste to the forming bumps.

8. Shaving
Most people have their calluses and corns shaved. You can shave your callus or corn using special callus razors that you can buy at the local pharmacy. Shaving calluses and corns is best done after you have taken a bath or shower, when the skin is soft.

9. Special footwear
The most common reason why corns and calluses form is because of improper footwear. Once these bumps have formed on your feet, you should avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes that can promote infection. Wearing special footwear such Morton’s Neuroma shoes (comfort shoes used by people suffering from Morton’s Neuroma) can help soothe your feet while you let those calluses and corns heal.

10. Professional help
If the condition of your calluses or corns seems to be getting worse, you should schedule an appointment with the podiatrist.

Author Bio: Danny loves writing about the foot condition Morton\’s Neuroma at his blog and other foot problems and can provide content for your blog. When not writing about foot problems, Danny loves to look for Morton\’s Neuroma shoes that provide relief without surgery.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: ways to get rid of corns and calluses, corns and calluses removal, corns and calluses treatment

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