3 Unique Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Many people ask the question, “How do I get traffic to my website?” And, most of these people believe that it is very difficult to increase traffic to their websites. Actually, it’s not that hard at all. You just need to know how and don’t give up.

It doesn’t matter what type of site you have; commercial, blog, information, etc., you need to have traffic and lots of it to make money. Most of you have probably already tried a few ways, with no luck. Maybe the methods that you are using just don’t work for you or for your particular site. Here are three unique ways to increase traffic to your site. Give these a try and make sure that you track your results so you will know if they are working or not.

– Use Data Feeds

How would you like to have hundreds of pages of genuine content on your site?
This is easy to do with a data feed. But, you may ask, what is a data feed?

A Data Feed is a way for users to get updated information from a particular data source.
Online businesses can use data feeds as a way to assist their affiliates. The data feed will contain a list of products, descriptions and prices for items sold by the company.

Using a data feed, you can create content pages for each of the products that the affiliate program sells. So, if the affiliate program you are promoting has hundreds of products, you can actually create hundreds of pages of this quality content on your site.

Data feeds are terrific for getting search engine traffic to your website because the feeds list the particular products that people are searching for. All you need to do is to find a data feed that is related to the subject matter of your website and you will increase traffic to that website, naturally.

– Use Viral eBooks

Another way of generating increased traffic to your website is by giving away an eBook or report. These eBooks and reports are usually given away to people who visit your site or are given away to contacts. These eBooks and reports contain information about your business and/or links to the products you are selling. The reason that we call them viral eBooks and reports is that every person that receives the material and pass it along to all of their contacts.

When deciding to do this type of viral marketing promotion, you need to create a compelling reason why people would want to pass along your information. Two of the best reasons for passing along information are greed and entertainment. If you develop a “hook” that will take advantage of either of these reasons, you will have a successful viral marketing campaign.

Here is an example of what I would do to create a viral marketing campaign. I would create a special 5 to 10 page report on a very specific, hot topic. Then, I would find a related affiliate program to my topic and then create the eBook or report in such a way that people getting my information could brand the book or report with their own affiliate link.

When you create this eBook or report, you should always put a mini advertisement on every copy. You should also let the reader know that they can make money from this eBook or report by rebranding it and sending it out. Using this process, there is a very good chance that people will click through to your site.

– Use a blog

Blogs are very powerful and they are a great traffic generating tool.
When you have a blog, you are constantly providing your readers with fresh new content about your subject. People love to read blogs because they contain new and fresh information and they are easy to read.

The best part about a blog is that the search engines love them. Search engines consider blogs to be relevant and current news on a particular topic so they scan these blogs on a daily basis. Using a blog could actually be the best thing you can do to increase web traffic to your website.

So, to summarize, three unique ways you can increase traffic to your website is:

1. Use a data feed on your site
2. Give away an eBook or report on your subject
3. Use a blog to give visitors relevant and fresh new content on your topic

Author Bio: If you are not satisfied with how many visitors you have to your web sites, go to http://workonlinesuccess.com/Free-Reports/freetraffic.html and pick up our free report and dramatically increase your web traffic.

Category: Internet
Keywords: web traffic

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