4 Typical Species of Ticks Known to Cause Lyme Disease

It is good to be aware of the many kinds of ticks that can cause Lyme disease. These include the the castor bean tick, taiga tick, western black-legged tick, and deer tick.

Lyme disease is an infection that\’s due to the bite of contaminated ticks. This can be a major health problem and has become common in the USA. In fact, the American Lyme Disease Foundation affirms that it ranks as the most typical anthropod-borne ailment in in the U.S.A. The most common signs and symptoms of Lyme disease range from ones that appear like signs and symptoms of the typical flu such as headaches, fever, sore muscles and also tiredness to more complicated nerve illnesses such as anxiety and despair. Treating Lyme disease can be quite complicated and depends on the severity and symptoms involved. It is vital to search for cure right away if you feel that you\’ve this particular disease because delayed or insufficient remedy can aggravate it. There are also several ways to guard yourself from illness. One of these will be learning as much as you can concerning the condition. Below are a few of the types of ticks which might cause Lyme disease:

Deer tick

Deer ticks are one of the most common species of ticks known to transfer Lyme illness. They are known for dispersing Lyme disease everywhere in the north central and northern United States. This black-legged tick is extremely tiny making it difficult to detect. The deer tick is about the size of a piece of black pepper or approximately 1 to 2 mm if it has not fed. Deer ticks are most popular as well as rampant during the starting of summer and the last days of spring season.

Western black-legged tick

The western black-legged tick has been identified by the Rhode Island Department of Health to be a carrier of Lyme illness bacteria. This kind of tick is usually found in the Pacific United States and also British Columbia. It feeds on small rats and lizards in the earlier stage of its existence however as soon as it has attained the adult phase, it can feed on bigger mammals like deer, horses and even humans.

Taiga tick

The Eurasian taiga tick has been reported to trigger Lyme disease according to John L. Capinera in the Encyclopedia of Entomology. The taiga tick is wide-spread in the Baltic countries, the Japanese Archipelago and also the far east of Russian. They can be located anticipating host animals in places where there is vegetation during the morning or late hours of the day. Adult taiga ticks are most typical during the months of July till September.

Castor Bean Tick

The castor bean tick is likewise another recognized cause of Lyme disease in European and North African countries, according to the University of Lincoln. The male varieties of castor bean ticks measure just about 1/10 of an inch in diameter. Female ticks are slightly larger than males. But when it\’s engorged, the female ticks can become two hundred times bigger than its primary dimension. Castor bean ticks generally feed on sheep, deer and even people. They\’re popular in forested regions, woodlands and also shrubbery. They\’re also most dynamic in the months of March till June and August to November.

Avoidance is definitely better than treatment and all the more so regarding Lyme illness. Avoid places that are known to be inhabited by infected ticks and wear protective clothing when exposing yourself in these areas.

Author Bio: Written by Douglas R. Williams. If you\’re looking for additional info on Lyme disease and the way you could safeguard yourself from it, go to http://www.lymediseaseblog.com/lyme-disease-and-luck/

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Lyme disease,Lyme,URL

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