5 Frequently Asked Questions on Dental Care Answered

Dental visits are often bumped down the line on the list of monthly reminders. People generally do not regard dental care as a serious concern and often refrain from asking their dentist questions or reporting any peculiarities concerning their oral health. Here are a few common inquiries that may be significant for you.

Are Bleeding Gums a Serious Concern?
You need to schedule an appointment with a dentist when you notice blood on the sink or on your brush. Even without pain, bleeding gums is almost always a sign of gum disease. There may be plaque buildup just beneath your gum-line which brushing alone cannot dislodge.

However, it is still possible that you are brushing with enough force to make your gums bleed. Hold your toothbrush without gripping it hard while brushing your teeth in small circular motions. Try not to bend the bristles too much against the surface of your teeth as this can harm your enamel or lodge food particles deeper into the crevices of your pearly-whites.

What Are The State Of My Fillings?
Classic amalgam fillings that have been widely used in the past can last up to 12 years with proper dental care, and white composite fillings last for 10. If you have had your fillings for a longer period of time then it is well overdue for a dental check-up. Replacing fillings that may have cracked or shifted over the years will help you avoid decay and future tooth loss. Ask your dentist about the condition of your fillings.

Can I Whiten My Teeth Weekly?
Whitening or bleaching strips that can be purchased over the counter have instruction on frequency of use. Read and carefully follow them. Going overboard on whitening strips can thin the enamel of your teeth and may lead to sensitivity or cavities. Whitening toothpaste is fine for daily use but commercial whiteners are usually limited to being used once every a month.

Can My Mouthwash Replace My Floss?
Despite the claims that particularly strong mouthwashes can replace flossing, the fact remains that mouthwash cannot dislodge plaque between teeth and near the gum-line. Flossing is a necessary part of regular dental care and it cannot be replaced with mouthwash alone.

Is An Electric Toothbrush Better Than A Regular Brush?
An electronic brush is better in the context of making your job easier. The rapid spinning bristles can remove plaque extensively in a shorter length of time. However one can still properly clean the teeth just as effectively with a regular toothbrush. The key is to use gentle circular motions thoroughly on every surface of teeth while frequently changing the angle of the bristles. An electronic toothbrush is not a miracle worker and it does not mean that one can be lazy on other aspects of oral health.

A regular or electronic brush should still be teamed up with regular flossing. Try to schedule dental appointments and professional cleanings every 6 months even if you feel that you are in excellent oral health. Gum disease is usually unnoticeable in its early stages because of the absence of any pain or discomfort so it is best to have your dentist examine you regularly.

Author Bio: Discover 8 Tips things to consider when choosing Virginia Beach Dentist to avoid strain on your budget and maintain good dental care for your family. Family dentistry choice is an important decision and VA Beach Dentist HQ has the answers you need to make a right one.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: dental health, va beach dentist, virginia beach dentist, family dentistry, oral health

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