8 Ways To Save Money Fast

In today’s economy, everyone is looking for ways to save money fast. Well it is really is not wonder and it is something that we should be actively doing in good times AND in bad times. It is a very noble and necessary task to be taken up.

In this article, I want to address 8 particular services that we use everyday and are paying for because we use them on a daily basis in out modern day lives.

These services are things that we need and not just want because the alternative is not the most “pretty” thing. We would probably feel bare naked without them.

Those 8 services are

Home Phone
Satellite Service
Cell Phones and service
Natural Gas
Home Security
Savings Advantage Club

Now on some of these you might be saying, well that is really a luxury and not a necessity. Well not completely. Using these services may not have been the way we lived maybe 50 years ago, but through technology and changing laws the society has changed. The services that we need today have changed as well.

And speaking of change, it is again the laws and technology that has created the savings in each of these services.

Technology has effected the internet, home phone, television, home security and the savings club which has created more savings

The laws of the land have changed electricity and natural gas costs, thus reducing the costs.

For instance, with technology called VOIP which stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, it has created a HUGE savings for these services in particular; the internet, home phone and satellite service.

I group these together because the cable bundles have become very popular over the last few years However, in talking with people and personal experience, many people are not satisfied with their cable bundles.

They feel they are being charged too much and they have issues with the billing that takes forever to get resolved if ever.

But what people do not realize is that technology has changed in those delivery of those services. VOIP technology has effected the way that those services are delivered and driven down the cost for the cable providers, but they have not passed those savings onto the consumer.

When I explain to people that you can get home phone and the internet for 50% of what they are being charged for those services through the cable companies, they are quite surprised.

As for satellite service, that is a bit of a wild card, because it depends on the programming packages that you choose for each satellite provider.

But if you were to compare the individual services to the cable bundled packages, people are very satisfied and happy not only with their services
but also with the savings they get.

Another area where technology has created not only savings but more security is the home security industry. The top home security companies are moving towards wireless security systems because unfortunately, thieves know that “traditional” home security systems are based through the phone lines. So in order to disable a security system, all they would have to do is cut the phone lines that are outside of the house.

Now, with the wireless home security systems they use the cell phone towers in order to notify police, fire, medical services and you or your designated person. Our services are not only cheaper but are portable because of technology. So if you move, you simply take you security system with you.

Electricity and natural gas is where the law of the land has created huge savings in those utilities. The law is called energy deregulation. This creates competition where there was none and because of this it creates lower rates and costs to the consumer.

Unfortunately, people simply are not aware that they have a choice for savings. For some reason this information is not widely known or promoted. But when a household makes a choice, they can typically save up to 30% on their electric bill for the home for lights, air conditioning and the like.

The same goes for natural gas. Savings up to 30% for heating water, cooking and heat for the home in winter.

Cell phones, smart phones are just a necessity now a days. We use them for everything in our go go life to keep in contact. Now you can get your cell phone for FREE with the major carriers like Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon and Nextel.

The savings advantage club offers 1000’s of products and other daily services with discounts that everyone can appreciate. These are savings from everything from travel (airline, cruise) discounts to hotel stays, car rental discounts to online shopping to car care to even fine dining as well as fast food. There are 1000’s of things for a wide variety of people to appreciate the discounts.

Also, they have a very useful tool called the Expense Tracker. What this tool does it gives you a spread sheet that shows you your expense on a real time basis.

You can even use the Master Card debit card that comes with the membership. Load it up with your cash and use it for your daily spending. Groceries, gas and shopping. It is connected to the expense tracker and automatically sorts your spend into different categories on the spreadsheet.

Being aware of where your money is being spent is the first line of attack that any good financial advisor will tell you to begin.

So those are the 8 ways to save real money fast. Why? Because those are services that we pay for month in and month out almost unconsciously. We simply know to “budget” and pay for the electricity because we must have it. And the same goes for the other services listed. We have just become used to having them in our modern society.

But becoming aware that we can choose savings for these unconscious monthly expenses, we free up monies that we never really thought that we could. In doing that, it gives us a peace of mind like no other…..

Author Bio: James Thomas is the creator of the Blog. Review a video to Save Money If you are ready for savings on your monthly unconscious expenses, go here and begin to make a difference in your household economy! Save Money!!

Category: Finances
Keywords: ways to save money, ways to save money fast, free cell phones, lower electric, voip telephone servic

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