Acaiberry, The Wonder Fruit

The wonders of acaiberry, the super food
Food-experts believe that acaiberry is one of the healthiest natural food found on earth. The advantages of this wonder fruit are never-ending. A market survey declares that acaiberry is on a high demand among the superstars as well as the common man. An updated person is well aware of the amazing potential of this unique fruit.

The fruit
Categorically Acaiberry is a type of berry. It is a small round, black-purple drupe with a seed inside. The fruit is mainly grown in the Amazon basin of Brazil. The farmers produce two crops of fruit in a year and the ripe fruits are harvested for making various healthy acaiberry food products. Normally eight varieties of acaiberry are found in Central and South America.

Available forms of acaiberry in the market
1) Frozen pulp.
2) Processed acaiberry juice and concentrated extracts.
3) Ingredients in beverages, health drinks and food products.
4) Capsules and tablets.
5) Non-food products such as cosmetics.

The super power of the wonder fruit
Researchers have found out that acaiberry contains a balanced combination of various essential vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fat, minerals and roughage. In a nut-shell, it has a high nutritional value and also rich in anti-oxidants.

1) Vitamin B1, B2, B3 and C are found abundantly in acaiberry. Vitamin A is also available in the fruit which helps in good vision.

2) Acaiberry is a source of saturated fats like Omega3, Omega6 and Omega9 which are required for healthy growth.

3) The berry contains the highest amount of anti-oxidants compared to other berries. It has seven times more anti-oxidants than blueberries.

4) Acaiberry contain a high amount of anthocyanins. They help in conserving the anti-oxidants in the body after intake of the food.

5) This fruit is a source of protein. It contains 19 Amino acids which primarily assists in growth and repair of cells and tissues.

6) Acaiberry contains a lot of fiber (45% of the fruit is fiber) which is highly beneficial.

7) Minerals like Potassium, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper and Iron are found in acaiberry.

The principal benefits of acaiberry
This highly nutritious fruit has an endless list of benefits, some of which are discussed below:

1) Weight loss- This wonder food has the capability to burn body fat if taken in right quantity as per experts’ directions. It helps in proper digestion and suppresses the urge for excess food, thus reducing undesired body mass.

2) Increases energy- In today’s hectic lifestyle, it seems that all our energy is drained out at the end of the day. Acaiberry food products increases metabolism and boosts our energy level.

3) Healthy skin- Acaiberry provides better blood circulation and removal of toxins, which helps in a naturally glowing skin.

4) Reduces cholesterol- Cholesterol levels in the blood are to be kept normal to avoid heart attacks and so people suffering from cholesterol related problems go for cholesterol-free foods which tastes terrible. But acaiberries are a tastier alternative for them.

5) Improves blood circulation- A poor blood circulation results to various fatal problems such as blood-clotting and other heart diseases. This wonder berry improves blood circulation and increases the life span.

6) Strengthens the heart- The pumping station of the body has to bear a lot of stress. Acai berry provides the proper nutrients for proper functioning of the heart.

7) Better concentration- A better blood circulation provides the right amount of blood to the brain. This enhances the mental health condition.

8) Detoxification- The anti-oxidants of Acai Berry helps to eliminate harmful free radicals from within the body.

9) Boosts immunity- The immunity system of the body is increased by the nutritional values of acaiberry.

Hence, it can be truly concluded that this wonder fruit has extreme beneficial values. However it is wise to judge the claims given by the producers of acaiberry products, before using them.

Author Bio: acaiberry Nutritional supplements are taken to compensate diets that are deficient in essential nutrients and minerals. Nutritional supplements are intended to enrich the food value of your diet. weight loss supplements

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: acaiberry, weight loss supplements, nutritional supplement, protein supplement

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