Advantages of Renting a Computer Over Owning One

Are you planning on starting a new business venture that requires a score of computers? Or perhaps you are debating purchasing a computer for your personal use. Be it one or twenty machines, before you invest in a purchase, consider opting for a computer rental first. If you are looking for a brand that offers the latest technology, stunning looks, a host of features and unparalleled performance, think about signing up and taking a Sony computer rental for a trial run. There are many reasons to opt for a rented machine over buying one though prices have been falling in the past several years.

Reasons to rent a computer

Prior to committing yourself to a purchase, consider why savvy business enterprises prefer to rent rather than buy computer equipment:

– The maintenance factor – After investing a considerable sum in buying a computer, you must allot a good amount every year to maintain it. Computer software must be upgraded intermittently. Finally you must pay extra for technical services each time the hardware malfunctions or alternatively sign up for an annual maintenance contract which will cost you. You might argue that purchasing a computer is quite affordable today. However the extra costs of maintenance add up in the long term. Contrast this to a rental where you have hardware replacements guaranteed in the event that anything breaks down.

– The price factor – Purchasing a top brand that offers all the features you desire and require may be very expensive. It may take a long, long time to save up to purchase one. This is one good reason for business enterprises to choose a Sony computer rental during the time that they cannot afford to buy one or are waiting for prices to fall.

– Saving your capital – After a venture has raised the finds required for a purchase, better sense usually prevails with the realization dawning that the moneys could be used for the more important, profitable primary functions of the business. So the only alternative is to continue renting computers and allied equipment.

– Depreciation – Expensive computers are not really wise investments from a business perspective because their value depreciates in the company’s books year after year. Some businesses choose to get rid of their computers every few years at throw-away prices and must replace them with newer, expensive models, which does not make financial sense. Others acquire new machines but retain their old ones, the latter which invariably are sparingly used or break down more and more often, soon becoming white elephants.

– Technical support – A Sony computer rental is certainly more convenient as it comes with full-fledged and free technical assistance. Trouble-shooting coverage is available via telephone 24/7. Malfunctioning units will be replaced immediately at no extra cost and as quickly as possible. For a purchased computer to be similarly covered, you will have to pay a hefty charge extra every year.

Now you have a fair idea why businesses and individuals are increasingly opting for a Sony computer rental rather than owning machines. Trouble-free maintenance, full service support, capital savings and not having to contend with depreciation in your company’s books of accounts are just some of the reasons why computer rentals are proving so popular.

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