All-On-4 Dental Implants: Innovative Dental Solutions For Replacing Missing Teeth

There are a number of reasons why people lose their teeth. As people age, they can lose teeth due to weakening of the tooth and bone. They can also loose teeth due to an accident causing the tooth to fall out or they could develop periodontal disease that cause teeth to deteriorate and fall out. At one time, uncomfortable dentures were a popular choice to replace missing teeth, but newer innovative solutions to replace missing teeth have been developed that are much superior to conventional dentures. One such innovative procedure is the All-on-4 dental implant technique.

The revolutionary All-on-4 dental implant procedure is an innovative and effective solution for people who want to replace all of their teeth or get rid of their dentures. This procedure involves placing a non-removable implant supported bridge on the very day you get your dental implants. All-on-4 was developed to help patients with severe bone loss at the posterior areas of the jaw to benefit from implant supported dentures. The All-on-4 dental implant procedure restores the full arches of the lower and upper jaws and uses at least 4 (often 5 or 6) dental implants to hold the teeth securely in place.

Patients will be able to get full teeth restoration without having to undergo bone grafting and they will not have to go for several sessions over a period of months as the procedure can be done in a day. At least four titanium implants are placed in the jaw so that the existing bone structure is able to fuse with the implants and hold the dental implants securely in place. Once in place and completely secure, the abutments are attached so that the replacement teeth can be secured. The All-on-4 dental implant procedure process is minimally invasive and it takes less surgical time to perform than older, more traditional techniques. Patients usually leave the dental office on the day of their procedure with a full set of new non removable teeth, which are permanently and completely secure.

With these dental implants, the best benefit is you will have a permanent set of replacement teeth in one day. Once you leave the clinic after having the procedure you will be able to smile, eat and speak with confidence. Patients receive new and immediately functional teeth in a day. This long term dental implant solution can last several decades to a lifetime as long as they are properly maintained. You will not have to feel the discomfort and pain that often occurs with bone grafting surgery. All-on-4 dental implants will also save money and time because the procedure can be performed in as little as a day. There is also much less of a recovery period because the procedure can be done in a day. In addition, the teeth are permanent and fixed so there is no need to worry about slippage like people do with dentures. After six months, the prosthetic teeth are replaced with new ones that are titanium reinforced. This gives the patient an opportunity to make adjustments to their smile (such as tooth colour etc.)

The revolutionary All-on-4 dental implant procedure improves oral health and makes it much easier to eat and speak. Most patients report that their new smile makes them look and feel great.

Author Bio: Transforming lives one smile at a time, Experience Dental implant Calgary and overcome the pitfalls of dentures.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Dental implant Victoria, Dental implants Toronto, Dental implant Toronto, Dental implants, Dental im

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