Antiaging: How to Look Younger

Anti aging is also known as life extension science, experimental gerontology and biomedical gerontology. It stagnates the aging process, hence increasing the lifespan of human beings. Researchers believe that with the help of advancements in science, they can revamp tissues with stem cells, molecular fixing and organ replacements like synthetic organs- that will allow humans to have a prolonged and healthy life.

Anti-aging products like creams, capsules, physical fittings, hormonal treatments, vitamins and other herbal products have boomed in the recent years. In the U.S alone, these products have generated $50 billion in sales. Medical experts claim that these products have not shown any fruitful results in slowing down the process of aging and they regard these products as wastage of money.

What factors promote wrinkles?
Wrinkles were once regarded as a sign of wisdom, but not anymore. Today you will do anything to eliminate and do away with these wrinkles. Since their appearance is among one of the factors that is out of our control but we can still prevent and mend them.

Our whole body faces aging and wrinkles are not an exception. The areas which are more prone to the wrinkles are our hands, face or arms, as they are more exposed to sunlight. Sunlight causes dryness of skin, photo aging, pigmentation, keratoses and wrinkles. They can be hidden deep in the skin or they may appear at the front line areas.

Prolonged or continued exposure to the sun and sun tanning could be a cause for early aging. Smoking is also a prominent contributor in aging. However in some families, early aging or wrinkles are in their genes.

What treatments are available for wrinkles?
Medical treatment:
Vitamin A treatment:
This cream is available by prescription, vitamin A (Retin A, Renova), has the longest track record in the treatment of wrinkles. Creams containing tretinoin must be used on a regular basis.

Alpha-hydroxy Acids:
These are the fruit acids; they include glycolic and lactic acid. They are safe and cause no irritation.

These include medications that contain vitamin A, C and E along with the beta carotene. They are used for the treatment of mild wrinkles.

These moisturizers are available in the market and they temporarily make wrinkles less prominent.

Cosmetic Treatment:
Glycolic acid peels:
They slightly make wrinkles disappear.

Deeper Peels:
They contain the salicylic acid and trichloracetic acid. They are more result oriented than the glycolic acid peels.

It is sanding the skin with a machine that contains silica or aluminum crystals. It requires six to seven sittings. It makes the skin smoother and better.

It paralyzes the muscles that produce wrinkles around the eyes and face. It is a repeated procedure as the results last only for a few months.

They can be filled in the affected areas to flatten wrinkles.

How is diet important for healthy aging?
Taking proper diet is very important for healthy aging. This diet does not contain toxins that act as a trigger in the aging process. We cannot completely stop the aging process but with the healthy food intake and by drinking lots of water, this phenomenon can be delayed.

Author Bio: Mr.Antiaging – senior writer in

Category: Aging

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