Anticipating Slide and Fall Accidents

Though usually associated with the elderly, slip and fall accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Knowing how to prevent them is the key to staying safe and living an active lifestyle for many years.

Slips and Trips

Items left on the floor, uneven pavement, or icy steps could result in disaster. An unfortunate tumble could leave you with bruises, broken bones, head injuries or full or partial paralysis.

Good traction and friction is needed between your shoes and the surface on which you are walking. Outside factors can make normally good walking conditions unsafe; ice, wet floors, and accidental spills can lead to slip and fall hazards.

When walking it is important to avoid potential hazards that could lead to tripping. Make sure the area is well-lit and you have an unobstructed view. Our high-tech lifestyles can make for cables on the floor from TVs, computers, etc. Make sure they are tucked away or taped down to avoid a nasty fall.

Flooring should be even and if a room is carpeted, make sure the carpet lies flat and isn\’t wrinkled.

Cluttered and Chaotic is an accident waiting to happen

A messy home is a disaster waiting to happen when it comes to slip and fall accidents. Make sure you wipe up spills right away, sweep debris from your floors, and remove obstacles that are in heavily trafficked areas. When fetching something from a drawer or cupboard, ensure you have closed it properly when you are finished and keep working areas well lit.

Staying safe at work

It is your employer\’s responsibility to ensure that the work environment is safe, but you need to take responsibility for your own actions. Carry objects in a manner that does not obstruct your view, ensure you have enough lighting to do your task safely, and wear appropriate clothing and footwear for your profession. If you notice that something is not in proper working order, make sure you let your employer know so that steps may be taken to correct the problem in a timely manner.

Reasons to prevent accidents

Loss of wages due to falls in the home can directly impact your lifestyle. In addition to medical expenses, physiotherapy costs, and possibly surgery, the healing time, particularly as we get older is increased. Falls in your later years can also impact your independence, forcing you to move to a nursing home or retirement community.

Maintain your property

In addition to keeping yourself safe, it is important to ensure that your property is maintained. Visitors to your home who injure themselves due to negligence or carelessness could take you to court and collect compensation for their injuries.

Ultimately safety is your responsibility. Make sure you are moving around and carrying items in a manner that won\’t result in disaster. A little forward thinking goes a long way in terms of prevention. Knowing who will be at your home and preparing your home for their arrival will help make others feel comfortable and safe.

Author Bio: Looking for a slip and fall lawyer Toronto to represent you? Ontario’s most successful slip & fall lawyer will work to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: law,legal,lawyer,health,medical,wellness,lifestyle,accidents,home,family

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