Auto Advertising – Linking Online With Offline

There are a millions ways to advertise your business, but whichever you choose, making sure to create a sense of continuity between the different outlets can make the difference between having a so-so month and a blowout. Specifically, make sure that your offline auto advertising and online efforts are closely tied together, although not identical, so you maximize their impact and get the most out of all your efforts.

Here are some ways to tie your online and offline auto advertising together:

– Include your website on offline ads – Make sure your URL is listed on every piece of marketing material you print, mentioned in every radio ad you run, and included in every television commercial. Make sure it’s something simple, and if your existing URL isn’t easy to remember, , you may want to consider purchasing a shorter, catchier domain name and forwarding it to your current URL.

– Reference social networking accounts – If you don’t already have Facebook and Twitter accounts, then now is the time to create them. These outlets give you an unparalleled way to connect on an individual level with customers, resolve any issues before they get too large, strengthen relationships with former and existing customers, and develop new ones with potential customers. Once you have these accounts up and running, let customers know about it with your offline advertising media. For example, put small Facebook and Twitter icons somewhere on a brochure or other print ad, or mention the accounts in a radio ad when giving out your phone number. This allows customers to easily look into your dealership on a social networking website they likely already use and are comfortable with.

– Post offline ads online – Make sure to upload videos or images of any television commercials or print ads to your website so customers can easily find them. You can also upload these to your Facebook account and link to them from your Twitter account. In this way, you can increase exposure to the ads without having to pay for more run time or more copies.

– Tie offline and online promotions together – Increase excitement surrounding a promotion or event by doubling up and getting both online and offline customers involved. For example, if you’re running a contest offline in which each day someone can win a key that could start a new vehicle, create small sub-contests online to complement this. One way to bring this contest online would be to bring one of the daily key competitions onto Facebook and to make it only available to your fans. You could do the same with Twitter: offer users a chance to win one of the keys if they can get the most people to follow you or respond to one of your tweets within a certain time period.

If you’re interested in learning more ways to combine your online and offline auto advertising so they better complement one another, or you want to discuss your ideas with an expert, contact a marketing agency that specializes in the automobile industry.

Author Bio: Kara Alcamo, online content editor for Action Integrated Marketing

Category: Business
Keywords: Auto Advertising, Online Auto Advertising

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