Balancing the Life Force With Amma

Amma therapy is regarded as a form of massage therapy that aims in balancing the energy or life force within the human body. It is a combination of various massage techniques to form an ultimate natural treatment for the different problems and conditions of the human body. As with most Asian styles of massage therapy, qi is essential in attaining enlightenment of both the physical and mental condition of the human body.

As early as 5000 years ago, amma therapy was developed and used by the ancient Chinese people as a part of their regular medical care. It was believed that the medical condition of the human body can be manipulated through traditional medicine and massage therapy. This concept was later on introduced by Tina Sohn in 1960s to the western countries.

Qi is targeted through the pressure areas or key points located all over the body. These are responsible in triggering the self recovery and healing of the body as well as the build up of the immune system. These pressure points are areas where the therapist applies pressure for the body to recover from certain medical conditions. Contrary with acupuncture which uses thin needles inserted into the patient’s body, amma therapy uses massage techniques that act as needles. Aside from the principle of healing through these vital points, the proper pressure exerted by the therapist is also important for a successful therapy.

Aside from working on the key areas of the body, amma uses relative healing techniques such as:

– Moxibustion – this technique is known as the use of heat on the pressure points. This is used for the purpose of releasing tensions and toxins from the client’s body.

– Skeletal Manipulation – amma therapists are well taught in the skeletal manipulations in order to correct and align bones that are not in their proper placement. It is also essential in preventing injuries.

– Diet – therapists points out the importance of diet for a healthier lifestyle which will reflect on the physical and mental condition of the patient. Proper diet is required when taking up sessions of amma therapy in order to get the best result.

– Meditation – also known as spirituality, not only helps the client to achieve and retain good mood but also to keep the body and soul in harmony.

– Herbal Medications – the use of certain herbs are effective in treating and aiding the recovery from diseases or problems.

Practitioners of this therapy believe that in order for the body to work and maintain its best condition, combination of healthy measures should be followed.

Evaluation of the patient is also deemed as an important part of the whole healing process. The evaluation is divided into four different methods used in traditional medical care. Amma therapists are trained to assess a patient using looking, asking, touching and smelling. Through these, the massage therapist can identify problems both physically and mentally. This assessment acts as the reference of the massage therapist which can better perform his service by targeting what is necessary for the patient during the massage session.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone massage kit supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit, hot stone massage

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