Bamboo Massage – Relief From Sticks

Bamboo is a plant native in Asian countries which is popular due to its many uses as an all purpose material that can be turned into almost anything. Some people in remote villages use bamboo shafts as cooking pots for their rice and other types of foods. It can also be used as a container for water in the jungle or even in the city. Adult bamboo can also be used as furniture and can even be built into cottages and houses. It can also be used as an important tool in massage therapy.

Bamboo massage is a popular type of massage therapy which is distinguished for its use of a bamboo stick for the massage session. Although it is a common service offered in the west, the therapy was developed and first practiced in Malaysia. This type of therapy has its shares of elements from various massage methods including Thai bodywork, traditional Chinese medicine, and Polynesian styles.

This type of therapeutic massage offers a gentle yet deep penetrating massage which is commonly taken while resting comfortably on your back on a massage table. Bamboo massage requires its patients to take off their clothes as to have a full and convenient manipulation of the massage strokes and bamboo techniques during the therapy session. The massage therapist usually uses and pours enough massage oil on the skin of the patient to allow proper gliding motion for the hands and the bamboo stick. This prevents friction and discomfort with the stick during the massage therapy which can be quite painful. The client in case of friction should never hesitate to tell the therapist regarding the situation to prevent problems. Additional lubricant will then be poured on the area. The massage therapist then performs massage strokes with his or her hands while the various sized bamboo tools are heated to retain warmth. After the therapist is done conditioning the body with gentle massage strokes, the appropriate sized bamboo stick is then used on the specific region of the body. The bamboo’s warmth helps in relaxing the muscle tissues that are being worked by the massage therapist. It also aids in releasing tension, stress, and fatigue in that area of the body. Deep massage is then performed on the client to soothe tensed and stiff muscles. The smaller sticks are usually used on detailed areas of the body especially for the deep penetrating massage technique.

The therapy is highly regarded as a form of relaxing therapy regardless of its deep massage techniques which can somehow become slightly painful at some time. It is also great for addressing chronic body pain, headaches, migraines, and other conditions. Bamboo massage also improves the circulation of blood and oxygen within the body to enhance the flow and distribution of the nutrients needed for a healthy constitution. Lymph flow is also regulated with every session of bamboo massage which helps in the flushing out of harmful toxins in our bodies. When taken as a regular medical care, the therapy supports the boosting of the body’s immune system.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage kit supplies and massage stones or anything related to stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit massage stones

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